Chapter 45 - Does it run on batteries? (FINAL EDIT)

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The upper floor was as overdone as the first floor. It occupied only half the building – the back half. The rest was given over to the living room, to really give it height. The sloping roof – a good design feature anywhere there is heavy snowfall – made some of the upstairs area unusable, but even with these limitations, the top floor seemed huge by Abbie's standards. The mezzanine provided a view to the living room below, and access to the master bedroom, Bella's boudoir, Bella's massive walk-in closet, and Bella's bathroom. There was even space left over for Greg to have a little closet and bathroom of his own, as well as a small study.

Greg didn't strike Abbie as the studying kind. When she asked about it, he just laughed and shook his head and told her to use Bella's section. Abbie had the quickest shower of her entire life. Her hair was a mess, but there was no time to wash it. She was forced to use a little dry shampoo, braid it, and hope no one noticed. She put on her 'in case I have to undress in front of anybody' underwear. It had been a gift, from him, of course. It was black, jet black, but the different kinds of materials each seemed to be a different shade of darkness. The stitching was superb, and the lace amazing. It was also really, really sheer. She might as well be naked. Well, not entirely, but it wasn't anything she would wear. Until now.

She had forgotten to bring pantyhose. Huge mistake. Her legs were really, really pale. Abbie liked her own legs. She had nice skin, and they were toned, even if her thighs were a little too skinny. But she was not comfortable going barelegged at this time of year. Abbie considered going through Bella's stuff, she probably had a million sexy, expensive stockings. But no, there wasn't time. Nor did she want anything to do with anything of Bella's.

The dress was a black halter neck. It was nothing special, but Abbie liked how it showed off her toned shoulders and her back. Those were her good parts. The dress was a nice length, not too short, but short enough to make her legs look longer, which in turn made her look taller. The neckline was maybe a little too much. Her boobs weren't that big, but they were large compared to the rest of her. In this dress, they became 'really hard to ignore' as Felix once put it.

A pair of classically elegant black stilettos with red soles came next. Abbie had worn them quite a few times, but they still looked shiny and new. The shoes had also come from him. Abbie absolutely loved them, but they were way too expensive for someone working as a secretary. Come to think of it: half her shoe collection, and most of the expensive ones, had been gifts from Felix.

One time, after shopping, dinner, and wine, she had joked that he probably liked to wear women's shoes since he was so obsessed with them. He'd turned serious, told her no, that wasn't his thing. Long-legged women in high heels were. As far as Felix was concerned, Abbie had the best legs around town, he got to see her almost every day, so he considered the shoe purchases more of an investment than gift-giving. He was such weirdo sometimes. But weird in a good way.

Abbie spent the next few minutes putting on light makeup. No time for the full package, but mascara, eye shadow, and lipstick went a long way. A pair of dangling earrings – she'd bought them as a gift to herself after the divorce was finalized – her favorite ring (after her grandmother), and voila, done.

Abbie stood in front of the full-body mirror. She looked... all right. Nothing to write home about, but the little black dress was flattering, enhancing her minimal curves, her chest was eye-catching, the heels made her legs look great, and the braid turned the mess of blond hair into something presentable. She wished Felix was there to compliment her. He was really good at that. Abbie could have used a little confidence boost.

After deciding there was nothing more to be gained in the bathroom, Abbie went exploring while she waited for Greg to finish. The man was certainly taking his time if he needed more time to get ready than a semi-vain girl half his age!

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