Chapter 43 - Warlocks do that (FINAL EDIT)

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Harry pretty much collapsed after we were done. Went down to his knees on the little round carpet, then keeled over. The guy gave it his best, injuries be damned. No way was he making dinner, so India and I, her hands now untied, dragged his ass over to the bed and tucked him in.

It's surprising how heavy a person feels after passing out. India was worried he might be more seriously injured than we knew. I admitted to having given him some rather strong painkillers, plus some 'medicinal herbs.' That seemed to convince her that he only needed to sleep for a bit. The walk back to the cabin and all the lovemaking had worn him out.

I asked if she still wanted to have a bite to eat. She did but needed to freshen up a bit first. I watched as she gathered her dress and other apparel. Having sampled what lay beneath the surface made me appreciate her beauty all the more.

"Hope I didn't overdo it," I said before she left.

She positively beamed at me. "It was wonderful. I've never felt so alive, so desired. Ever. If ever you want me to be your slut again..." she leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. "Are you all right, Felix? You're warm," she said and put her hand on my forehead. "Very warm," she added.

"I'm fine," I assured her. "Just a bit tired from the walk and all the excitement." I smiled at her.

"I think you have a fever," she said. "You should take something, maybe go to bed."

"I will. I have some painkillers on me, they should help with the fever too," I told Indiana. I dug a couple of Bella's pills out of my coat pocket and swallowed them. "There. All I need now is some hot food, a glass of wine – and then off to sleep."

"Good," she said and kissed me. This time on the mouth. She had a playful tongue, but didn't linger, spun away on naked feet, her dress and shoes bundled in her arms. She shut the door behind her, leaving me with Harry, who was snoring away.

I needed some freshening as well, so I went back into the bathroom. Now that India had mentioned it, I did feel warm, so I put some cold water on my face. It didn't help too much, so I took a cold shower. That helped a bit. Or maybe it was the pills kicking in.

After I went to my own room. Donna was still in bed, fast asleep. I groomed and dressed for dinner, a smart dark blue suit, a classic white shirt, didn't bother with a tie, and dark brown leather shoes. A hand-made pair Bella had given me after one of her infrequent trips back to the old country. I looked as good as ever. I considered wearing my Rolex but decided against it. It looks very manly, but the truth is, I hate having anything on my wrist. It's a quirk of mine.

I headed for the kitchen. Popped one of the reds I'd chosen for the meal. A Valpolicella Ripasso. Didn't bother to decant it. No need to go overboard. This was going to be a simple, rustic meal. Poured myself a glass. Should go well with the meat. Or not. I wasn't a wine expert. Never had the interest. But it was good for drinking, robust and flavorful.

The tenderloins had reached room temperature. I added some salt and pepper, left them to rest for a bit longer. Peeled a couple of big sweet potatoes. Cut them into big strips. Put them on an oven plate, rubbed them in extra virgin olive oil, Italian of course, seasoned with a generous helping of flaked salt and some twigs of thyme and rosemary. I put the pan into the oven. I had forgotten to preheat, but it didn't matter much. It was a modern oven, it would heat up quickly. The asparagus, imported from somewhere far away, it was in the middle of winter, only needed a quick boil in buttered and salted water.

I finished my wine. India still hadn't joined me. The sweet potatoes would take the longest, so I had a while before I needed to start on the meat and veggies. I could have another glass – or I could go find her. I went back downstairs to see what was holding her up. I found her asleep on the bed, panties entangled in her fingers, dress casually discarded on the floor next to her heels.

I looked at her semi-nude form. She still had her lacy bra and patterned stockings on. One of them torn, probably from a nail. I tried getting in the mood but didn't feel an urge to have another go. That was good. My sexual appetite, large though it may be, had finally been sated. To say that I was greatly relieved is the understatement of the year.

Before leaving, I made sure she was comfortable, undressing her fully, and tucking her in. "Goodnight, sluthole," I said and kissed her gently on the cheek, turned down the lights, and closed the door softly behind me.

I decided to check on the other guests, one final time, just to make sure they were doing fine. They were fine, all of them. The plan was actually working. All that remained was to eat three steaks and down a couple of bottles of wine. Maybe one final joint before I threw the shit into the fire. Then I too would sleep. To sleep, to dream of sweet Abbie... and come morning, this weirdness would be over, and I would have time to track down Bella and make her help me.

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