Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Alex's POV

I woke up in a bright white room. I was laying down on a cot of some sort, and next to me there was a stand with a heart monitor on it and an alarm clock that read 3:20. Was it 3:20 in the morning or 3:20 in the afternoon? I had no idea because the room had no windows for me to look out of. I sat up to inspect the rest of the room and noticed I had a small white band around my wrist, with a cord going to the heart monitor. I looked around and saw the room was pretty much completely empty except for my cot and the stand next to it. But then I noticed the chair next to me was occupied by a girl who looked to be maybe fifteen years old, and was wearing an all black militarian style outfit, with big black boots to match. She was paying no attention to me, as she was reading from a gun catalog magazine, but I had a feeling she knew I was awake.

She glanced up from the magazine for a second, and still staring at me reached down and pressed a button on a walkie-talkie and said, "32 is awake." A reply came back over within seconds that was a man saying "Good. Give him the rundown, you know what to do." She pressed the button again and replied "Copy." All the while she was staring at me, but she finally laid her gun catalog next to her and stood up. And she was not bad looking. At all. Even with her all black t-shirt and pants, she still looked good. Her hair was long and brown with just a tinge of red, and she had beautiful sky blue eyes.

She walked over next to me and pushed a button to a remote hanging from my bed that I didn't notice. It pushed the head of the bed upwards, sending me upright into a sitting position. I looked down and saw that my torso was wrapped in white bandages and my arm was in a sling. I felt around my head and noticed that was wrapped in bandages too.

"What happened to me?" I asked her. "You broke two ribs, fractured another, fractured your skull, and broke your arm." She responded matter of factly.

"How?" I questioned. "You got thrown back by a grenade. The explosion messed you up pretty badly." She replied.

I started to remember just what happened before I woke up in this room. I was on top of a car, with Rotters surrounding it, and Amanda and Madison inside. I remember explosions rocking the car, almost flipping it over, and I was clinging on with my life. After a couple explosions, a fragment of something came flying at me, and so I turned my head and I remember a sharp, stinging pain as it struck my head, and that was it. "Oh." Was all I said.

"Anyway, you're pretty much good to go, your ribs still need a bit more time but your arm is just about good and your skull was just a very small hairline fracture. You may still get a lot of headaches in the next couples weeks, but there's nothing we can do about that. Other than that, I think you're good to go. Just be careful around your chest area." She explained.

"Where am I?" I asked. "That information is classified as of now." She responded, almost as if trained to.

"Why are there no windows?" I kept coming with the questions. There were double the amount I had already asked still in my head and I just had to know. "So no one can see in or see out," She said, a little bit creepily. "Are you done now?" "Whatever," I grumbled.

"Good. Now, just so you know, your sister and her friend are safe and being taken care of." She said plainly. "Oh my God thank you! I completely forgot about her, I can't believe it!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. Once you're good enough to get walking and moving around, we'll get you in with the rest of them and get you situated. I think you'll like it here."

Before I could ask what she meant about "The rest of them", she got a voice through her walkie-talkie.

"We have a code blue, repeat, code blue, any available CPTs please report to quadrants two, three and four. Again, any CPTs available report to quadrants two, three, and four."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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