Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Amanda's POV:

  I awoke to the sound of a gunshot not far off in the distance. I sat up and looked around. There were no more shots following that one, but it still got me alert. I made sure everything was packed to try and head the way the gunshot rang out. If it was someone bad, I would run away, but hopefully it was Megan or Alex or maybe even Jacob.


  Shouldering my pack, I ran off. I  was completely awake now, and going along at a good pace. After about a minute, I heard lots and lots of firing. I stopped. There were maybe ten different gunshots firing at the same time, all automatic. Definitely not Jacob, Alex, or Megan. I turned around to sprint the other way when a heavier gunfire started. It was a machine gun, and I heard screaming and yelling.


  I slowly started forward, quietly, even though I was sure no one could hear me over all the gunfire. I came across a clearing and peeked out from behind a tree. I saw a camp, with tons of tents, and about twenty people running around screaming and yelling and falling. Some were hiding behind the tents and firing back at whatever was in the middle of the camp. Sneaking my way forward, I got to an angle that I could see the middle of the clearing. My mouth hung open. Megan stood in the middle of the camp, firing her machine gun at everything that dared to move.


  She kept firing, and I decided it was not a good idea to run up to her and shout and hug her. I tried to think of a way to get her attention without scaring her, but before I could think of anything, I heard someone faintly yell "Three!" I looked over and saw Alex standing there, next to Megan. My heart almost fell out of my chest. I was so happy! I finally found someone. But then, before I could do anything again, they took off, sprinting faster than I had ever seen someone sprint. I mean, they could have been in the Olympics.


  Just then, I noticed the dozens of Rotters all around me. They were closing in fast, and I had nowhere to go. I pulled out my pistol and shot a few shots, and some Rotters fell. The ones that fell however, their place was soon taken by two more Rotters. I ran toward one, jumped, kicked out at its chest, and kept going. The Rotter fell and the others turned around to come after me.


  I looked in the direction Alex and Megan ran, but they were obviously no where to be seen by now. I went after them, my legs flying. I was going so fast I didn't see a root and my foot got caught in it. My body kept going while my leg snapped back, and I heard a crunch and I fell to the ground, landing on that knee. It had felt as if someone had drove a car into just my knee. I gasped for air, my ears tearing up. I rolled over and saw Rotters coming at me, but I couldn't move. It hurt so much...


  But I had come so close...I pushed myself up, using only my right leg. My left one was twisted at a weird angle, and I realized that even if I could get up, I still definitely could not run. I held up my pistol, ready to make my final stand. The Rotters continued towards me, their blank eyes staring into my soul. I shot down one, two, three, four, before the magazine clicked empty.


  I threw the pistol down and tried to run anyway. I made it about ten feet before stopping to take a rest. There was no way... Tears streamed down my face as I stared once again into the pack of Rotters. I looked around, making sure there was nothing that could help me out. Then it hit me. If I could climb a tree, I think I might be able to wait out the Rotters. I jumped up onto the first branch of a good tree, and I had to bit my lip bown hard to keep from screaming from pain.

  I slowly climbed the tree, out of the way of the Rotters. I sat there for a minute, trying to find a good position to put my leg in. Do I put it in the up position to help blood flow or whatever? I had no idea. I wished Jacob was here, or Alex. They'd know what to do. I'm so screwed. Even more so when I first was on my own. I sat back against the tree and fell asleep instantly. Well, tomorrow's another day. Right?


I'm sorry for not updating in months! I have and had so much to do like basketball and school and a whole bunch of other crap. Expect another chapter in maybe two weeks because I have midterms I absolutely HAVE to study for. Sorry again, and hope you liked this chapter!

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