Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Amanda's POV:

Brendan wanted to salvage the wreckage of the Corvette and didn't stop asking us until we let him. We all got in the Toyota Tundra and drove down, with Alex driving, the rest of us in the bed. When we got there, Brendan got choked up. We inspected it to make sure everything looked safe before we let him get in there and pick around. We also discreetly moved Jack's body behind a tree so Brendan didn't see it.


We watched him take sunglasses out of one of the glove compartment with a shaking hand. He walked to the back of the car and took off the license plate, which was bent. He put on the sunglasses and placed the license plate in a bag that he got from the trunk. The bag had been in the trunk, but it had fallen out and had a rip in it, so we let Brendan borrow duct tape to fix it.


I felt really bad for the kid. Maybe, if Alex hadn't have done that drift, his brother Jack might have still been alive. I felt a little mad at Alex, but then again, he didn't do it on purpose. We all got back in and headed back to the dealership, where everyone claimed their car. I was about to ask Brendan if he wanted to come with me, when he took out keys to a Toyota 4Runner.

"It's my dad's," explained Brendan "Jack drove to here to save my dad because he works here, but..." he broke off, not wanting to finish his sentence.


    "Do you even know how to drive?" I asked.

"Of course, I grew up around Jack." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, well then prove it to us, take that 4Runner and drive it around the parking lot." Alex said.

He nodded and got in his 4Runner and slammed the door. He started it up and stepped on it. Tires squealed as he peeled out and then slid around sideways and accelerated straight toward us. He stood on the brakes and brought it to a stop right in front of us.


He got out and boasted "I'm the best driver here!"

Alex seemed annoyed by this and said "Oh yeah, then can you drift?" He realized it was wrong right after it came out of his mouth and quickly said "Oh my god, Brendan, I really am sorry, I didn't-"

Brendan ignored him and ran to his truck. He got in and sped off.

"Alex!" I glared at him. What was he thinking?! He turned a deep shade of red and said in a tiny voice "Sorry."


"We got to go after him!" Ryan said as he got into his car. "He can't survive on his own!"

We all jumped in our cars and sped off. We went in the direction he sped off into, Alex in the front because he was the fastest. He sped off, but I knew exactly where he'd be. I turned off onto a different road and only Megan saw and followed in her Outback. She pulled up next to me and nodded, and then slowed down behind me again.


Sure enough, we pulled up to the Corvette and there Brendan was, sitting next to the wreckage, crying. I got out of my Highlander and walked up to him to comfort him. It was so sad. He looked up to his brother, and Jack should have never died.

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