Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


 Amanda's POV:


   We all got in and made our way towards Los Angeles. Most of us were still grinning from our "laughing attack". I was a little tired so I asked Jacob to drive and he agreed. I looked back at Brendan and saw him deep in thought, a sad frown on his face. "What's up?" I asked his, startling him. "Nothing." He mumbled. I could tell he was remembering his brother, and so I decided to try and cheer him up. "Hey. You want to sit in the front today?" I asked him. He looked up at me and nodded, his face lighting up. I chuckled to myself at how happy he was just to sit in the front, and he must have noticed because he said "I always used to sit in front, I just haven't lately." I nodded, a smile still on my face, and slid into the back seat.


    I laid down across the back seat as if it were a bed and closed my eyes to sleep. When I awoke, I sat up and looked over at Brendan and Jacob who were in a heated argument over which was better, a Chevy Camaro or a Dodge Charger. "What is it with you boys and your cars?" I mumbled. They both stopped and looked over at me. "It's our thing." Brendan said, at the same time Jacob said "Boys like cars." They looked at each other and started laughing, and I shook my head, grinning.


    They continued on arguing about "horsepower" and "handling", and I lost interest in their conversation and began looking out my window to see if there was anything attention grabbing out there. Other than the usual bodies and crashed cars, no. I shuddered to myself as I realised how common those things had become. "HEY!" I heard Brendan shout, and then I felt a huge jerk and the car started making 'ker-thump' noises. Jacob turned his attention away from Brendan and grabbed the wheel. He turned sharply to the side of the road and came to a stop. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said "We hit something and one of our tires is out."


    "I'm coming." I heard Alex reply. Jacob looked between Brendan and I and asked "Are you two okay?" We both nodded and Jacob got out of the car to go fix the tire. I glanced over at Brendan to see if he knew what Jacob had hit and he shrugged. "I just saw a big piece of something in the road and yelled at him." I looked out the back window and saw Jacob inspecting the back right tire. He stood up and walked over to the thing we had hit and picked it up and walked back to our car with it in his hands. It looked about the size of a pretty big laptop and he opened the driver's side door with a grim face. "Engine parts." He said, holding out the sheet of metal. It was all twisted and it looked like it had many different parts, and I could tell he was right. It did have some sharp edges too.


    "What about the tire?" Brendan asked. "Shredded." Jacob answered. "I have no idea why it's this bad." Before we had a chance to reply, Alex got out of his car and came up to Jacob. Jacob opened his mouth to explain but Alex held up his hand. "I heard." He said. Jacob shrugged and went around to look at the tire more, Alex in tow. They crouched around it talking for a while before they both stood up and Alex opened the trunk of our Land Rover. "There's got to be a spare tire in here somewhere." He trailed off, looking around for a compartment or something.


    "Ah ha!" I heard him shout, and he triumphantly pulled open a compartment in the floor of the trunk and in it was a tire. He picked it up, but it was heavier than he thought and he ended up dropping it on his foot. He swore loudly and then chased after it as it rolled away. I snickered and looked over to Jacob. He was over in the Lancer's trunk, digging around for who knows what.

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