Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Alex's POV:

I barely slept at all through the night, hoping my sister wasn't dead already. When I did sleep, it was only for small increments and I had terrible dreams of Amanda being mauled by zombies, and I would wake up in a cold sweat everytime. I think Madison slept well though, because she woke up and seemed happy to have me as company when the sun rose. 

As soon as we got ready, I told her the plan I had made to go get Amanda. She agreed, and we packed up and went down to my car at the waterfall. I had completely forgotten about it, and was frankly surprised it hadn't been stolen. We got in and she showed me where to go to get to where all the Rotters where before.

As we got closer, we started to see all of them coming out of the woodwork. They came in droves at our car, and it took a lot of evasive manuvers to get around them and not hit any trees at the same time. After a few minutes of driving through the Rotters, Madison suddenly shouted out, "Stop!"

I slammed on the brakes even though I wasn't going that fast and came to a rest in front of a tree. It looked like any other normal tree at a first glance, but if you looked closely, you could see branches snapped and leaves out of place all along the tree, and that's when I realized.

That's where Amanda had been for the past few days, or at least one of them. I was shaken out of my thoughts however, when Rotters caught up to our car and started banging on the windows and doors, trying to get in. If Amanda had been here, she wasn't here now, and I had to get away fast. I aimed the car at what looked like a relatively big trail that looked like it could fit a car down it. 

I sped down the road for a few minutes, trying to lose the Rotters. When I thought we had gotten away, I sighed and slowed down when I saw something out of the corner of my eye of the road ahead. I slowed down even more and when I saw what it was I gasped and came to a stop.

"Amanda!" I threw open my door and ran to her motionless body on the side of the trail with Madison closely behind me. I rolled her over to feel if she had a pulse, but I could already hear her shallow breathing. I looked her over and saw her ankle bending at a weird angle. It looked like she had tried to wrap it up‌ something, but I doubted it helped at all. It was definetely broken.

"Alex." I heard Madison's quiet voice behind me. "What?" I said, without turning around. "Look." Was all she said.

I turned around and my breath caught in my chest. All of the Rotters were directly behind us, catching up to the car quickly. I picked up Amanda, holding her in my arms while gently taking out my knife from my pocket. I motioned for Madison to come over to me. "If any of them get close to you, stab them in the head with this." I handed her the knife.

She looked into my eyes and nodded. We crouched behind the front of my car, trying to quickly think of a way to get Amanda in, then get me in without attracting any Rotters. They were getting closer, and our window of oppertunity was closing. I could hear their eerie moans, looking for their next meal.

I finally made a decision, and got up. Immideatly, two Rotters saw me and stumbled towards me. I ran to the side of the car in two strides and opened the back door. By now, the Rotters were upon me. I threw Amanda in the back and whipped around, throwing a blind punch, catching one of them in the side of the head. It tripped a little, but stood back up and came after me. In doing that I had attracted the attention of most of the others, all of them heading for me now. 

"Madison, get in the car now!" I screamed at her, while trying to fight off Rotters with nothing but my bare hands. I put my back against the car and threw some more punches, hitting the two already on me multiple times, but never felling them. I looked around frantically for anything at all I could use to fight them off, but saw nothing. Making a last second choice, I turned around quickly and climbed on top of my car. More Rotters joined the two I had been fighting, and eventually there would be enough to push the ones closest to the car onto the roof. 

I heard a scream and looked down to see Rotters now trying to break into the car, seeing Madison. I swore and kicked out at one's head, and a crack rang out, it's head now sideways on top of it's neck. It fell, but two more quickly took it's place. I aimed a few more kicks, killing two more Rotters, but it did no use, as more just took their place.

Madison screamed again as one of the Rotters finally broke through the window and reached in for her. I heard a groan behind me and turned around jut in time to see a Rotter had finally gotten on the roof with me. It crawled towards me, opening it's mouth to take a bite out of me. 'Well this all went to shit pretty quickly.' was the only thought ringing through my head as the Rotter grabbed onto my arm to take a chunk out of it.

'I'm sorry for not being able to save you Amanda and Madison.' I thought as I closed my eyes and waited for it all to end.


Yes, I am in fact aware that I did Alex's POV for two chapters in a row, but who cares? It needed to be done. Anyway, yeah, new chapter, cool cool. Vote or comment if you want, and probably another chapter coming this weekend! 

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