Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Alex's POV:

I woke up and darkness surrounded the car. I was scared for a split second before I realized that we were just in a warehouse, and that the sun hadn't shut off. I blinked a few times and looked up. Megan was in the front seat, cleaning her pistol with a tissue from the glove compartment.


She looked over at me and said "Oh you're awake now?" I nodded and sat up. The other two were still asleep, Amanda in the front and Ryan next to me. It was just then I felt the pain in my head. I groaned and slumped down. "Why does my head hurt so much?" I asked.


"Oh, you crashed the car into a ditch, and you hit your head really hard. You've been out for almost a day." She said as if it were the most normal thing in the world. "What?!" I yelped, surprised. "Yeah," Megan replied, not looking up from her gun. "Where are we?" I asked.


She looked behind her seat at me and smiled. "That," She said "Is a surprise that you shall find out when Amanda and Ryan wake up." "Okay then..." I said slowly. I wondered where we could be. Was she kidnapping us? Nah, there would be no reason to do that in a zombie apocalypse. Where were we?


I looked over and saw Ryan blink a few times. That means he could tell me what happened while I was knocked out. He squinted over at me, the sleepiness still blatant in his eyes. "Oh you're up." He said in a deep, sleepy voice. "Yeah." I replied. "What happened while I was out?" He explained just about everything that happened as Megan just sat in the front cleaning her pistol.


When he was sure I had taken in everything important, he too asked Megan where we were, and got the same response as I did. So, Ryan then reached into the front seat and shook Amanda awake. Normally, I would have been a little mad at him for that, but I too wanted to see where we were. Once she was awake, Megan told all us of we were at someplace pretty cool and not to freak out when we saw it because we might attract zombies.  


When Amanda saw I was awake, she started fussing over me, asking if I was okay, and if my head hurt, and if I could see all of the fingers she was holding up.  I waved her off and told her I was fine because I really wanted to find out where we were. I really had no idea. Where would there be somewhere really cool to go in a zombie apocalypse?


We all got out of the car and walked out from the warehouse. We were facing just a road. Nothing. "What is this?" Ryan and I asked at the same. We looked at each other and laughed. "Oh you'll see in a second. Follow me." She said with a grin bigger than the Cheshire cat's. She lead us behind the warehouse and said "Ta-Da!" We were looking at the back of a long building. There were cars parked across a huge parking lot, probably at least an acre big, and all still new. "No way." Ryan breathed. I looked at it in amazement. There was no way this was what I thought it was. Amanda still had no idea. "What? It's the back of an old building." She said, looking slightly annoyed. "This is nothing Megan. Why are we here?"


"Amanda don't you understand?" Ryan asked, his eyes not moving from the building. "No!" She said, getting very annoyed now. "We're at a Nissan dealership." Ryan and I said at the same time again. Megan was just sitting back, watching us with this smile on her face. Amanda's eyes widened. "Cool!" She yelled. "Sshhhh." Megan said. "We can't attract any zombies. We don't want to ruin this. I already scouted it out and there are only like two or three around here and I got them. Just be quiet, I have no idea, there might be more than that."

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