Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Jacob's POV:

        I let out a string of obscenities as I swung around the car violently, it threw everyone in the backseat up against the side of the car. And that's why you wear seatbelts, kids. I stomped down so hard on the gas pedal I swear I must have dented the floor. "Always has to be the fucking hero." I mumbled to myself. "Hey, watch your language. Kid here?" She said to me, pointing to him and Brendan. "Whatever." I said back, concentrating on the road. They've seen woruse. It's a zombie apocalypse and you don't want me swearing? Is that really what you should be worried about?

        We had only driven about a mile away from Alex, but that's enough time for him to do something incredibly stupid. "What's your name anyway?" She asked the kid as they were both buckling in. "Musa." He said, straightening his glasses. He looked to be about twelve, around Brendan's age. I looked back at Brendan to gauge his reaction, but he was just looking out the window, his forehead pressed against the glass like something from a drama movie. 

        We finally reached the clearing in the forest, and when we got there I just slammed on the brakes and just sat there for a second. Looking out, I saw a literal sea of Rotters. They were everywhere, and Alex and his car where gone, the only signs he had been there being skid marks in the grass and onto the road, pointing towards the forest. I followed the tracks with my eyes and swore loudly when I realized where they went. They led into the forest, into a small hiking trail, bushes uprooted everywhere and low hanging branches on trees damaged. He had obviously driven onto the small path after his sister. 

        Rotters noticed the car sitting there and started swarming it, banging on every single surface of the car, some climbing on top. I threw the car in reverse and accelerated, throwing what seemec to be one of two Rotters off the top. The other one however, did not seem to want to leave so easily, and smashed the sun roof glass with its' fists and growled, reaching in for Brendan. 

        I braked hard, but the Rotter was determined to catch his prey. Brendan froze, just staring at the Rotter. I was about to urge him to do something when I realized that he didn't have a weapon, so he couldn't. A gunshot rang out, and the Rotter went limb, a bullet straight between its' eyes. Megan tossed her still smoking pistol to Brendan and pulled out a different one, ready to own any Rotters that came near.

        The Rotter that was still on the roof started oozing blood down onto my lap, so I did I quick J-Turn, which let it be noted, is not easy to do when you are surrounded by things that want to eat you for every single meal of the day and when you are in a two ton SUV. I still amanged to pull it off however, and the Rotter got flung off the roof and into the sea of it's own kind where it only tripped one or two other ones.

        I had a difficult choice placed in front of me. Go in after Alex and put everyone else in danger, or drive away and think of a plan later. I wanted to go after Alex and Amanda, but I decided it wasn't worth risking everyone else's safety, so I sped off the highway to try and find somewhere to sleep for the night and think of a plan. 

        "What the hell are you doing?" Megan screeched at me, but I just shook my head, tears silently falling from my eyes. I just couldn't risk it. There was a very slim chance Alex had made it out of there, there looked to be thousands of Rotters stretching out for miles, and even a car couldn't do that much, especially off road. I looked in the rearview mirror at Brendan and he stared back at me, tears also falling from his face silently. "I'm sorry Alex." I whispered as we sped away from him and his sister.


Thank you for 1.2K reads, this is amazing! I'm sorry for not updating in three weeks, I've just had a lot of tests and other things going on. (Such as my laptop breaking and having to get a new one) Anyway, I was rereading my story and realized Brendan just fell out somewhere around chapter 12, so I went back and fixed that, and I also went back and realized I just skipped a chapter number, so I had to fix that too. ANYWAY, thanks for reading, next chapter up I have no idea when because I have to set up my new laptop and stuff, but I'm hoping by the end of this week. Yes, I am aware this chapter is just a filler chapter, but I needed something here, so the next few chapters will be a lot better. 

Comment what you think will happen to Amanda, what Jacob's plan to save Alex is, (If he even comes up with one) or just whatever the hell you want honestly. Thanks again for over 1.2K reads, and I hope to see you all again by the end of this week!

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