Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Alex's POV:


After driving for a few hours, we pulled off on a side road so I could rest a little. We tried to teach Amanda how to drive a little, even though we didn't have much experience ourselves. She learned a bit so it wasn't terrible when she drove. Ryan moved to the front to tell her where to go, and I laid down in the back seat to rest.


I woke up in the middle of the night with Ryan asleep and Amanda still driving.

"How are you, Amanda?" I asked. She looked over at me and nodded her head. I could tell she was exhausted from driving so long and from just having a long day in general. She looked back over at the dash and said "We're almost out of gas...". I glanced over at Ryan and he was still asleep so I told her to pull over and let me take the wheel and she gladly agreed. As soon as we stopped, Ryan jerked awake and looked up. "Why're we stopped?" He asked.

"Amanda needs a rest, and we need gas soon so we were looking for a gas station." I replied.

"Okay. I wonder if it will show up on this GPS. You know, grocery stores too and stuff?" Ryan said. It had never occurred to me that the GPS probably had locations to that kind of thing.

"Wish I had thought of that." I said. We programmed the nearest gas station into the GPS and I pulled back onto the road and drove. We got there relatively quick, and as we got out Ryan said "I'll stay in the car and make sure there are no zombies here. You two gotta be careful when you go to fill it up okay? And also, remember that you have to go inside and switch something behind the counter to actually fill up the can. Unless you have a credit card."

We slowly got out, me with my pistol and Amanda with a kitchen knife. I walked very slowly and carefully, keeping an eye out for zombies. We made our way into the store, but as soon as we opened the door, the bell on top of it jingled. Well, if anyone or anything was there, they knew we were there now too. Suddenly, I heard something moving towards us. I aimed my pistol toward the strange sound and waited until it came into view. It stumbled out toward me, arms raised. I took a quick shot at it, hitting it in the shoulder. The zombie bounced back for a second, but then started toward me again. I took another shot, this time hitting it in the lower jaw, and it fell limp to the ground.

I walked over it, behind the counter and flipped the switch. Just as I flipped it, I heard Amanda scream. I jumped over the counter and ran over to her and saw the zombie not dead yet with its hand clenched around her ankle. I shot it once more in the head, this time killing it. Amanda looked up at me, eyes wide with fear.

"Let's get out of here." I said to her.

"Please." She agreed shakily. She ran to the car while I went to the pump and quickly filled up the tank. I would've filled it up again and kept it with us, but considering it was only three teenagers driving, I decided that if we got in an accident, I would rather not explode. It probably wouldn't, because this wasn't the movies, but you never know.

I got in the driver's seat, Amanda got in the passenger seat, and Ryan laid down in the back to continue his nap. I drove on for a few more hours, swerving around the few zombies we saw on the small back roads we were driving on. I stopped right before we were going to get onto a highway. I parked on the side of the road and admired the beautiful sunrise. I got out of the car, careful not to wake Amanda or Ryan and leaned up against the hood.

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