Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Amanda's POV:


After letting that stupid girl in, we all got in the car to go on the highway. Alex drove while I got shotgun after kicking Ryan out of it. I was NOT sitting in the back with that untrustworthy girl, Megan, or whatever her name was. She looked about 14, so probably around Alex's age. She honestly looks a little sketchy to me. I mean, good job for shooting a zombie, but still a little odd...


I looked out the window absentmindedly watching as we passed all the carnage. It was still shocking at how much wreckage and havoc was everywhere.

Cars lay abandoned, some looking like they had caught on fire. At some points, it appeared that there had been massive pileups, with cars backed up bumper to bumper, rammed into each other for miles. Sometimes we had to go off road to get around the masses of cars. There were bodies strewn about everywhere, most of them unidentifiable from being eaten. I gagged at the thought. Every once in a while, we would come across a car alarm going off, and a few zombies clustered around the car. There weren't very many visible zombies, but I knew they were out there. I could feel it.


Ryan then said exactly what I was thinking "Man, this highway is a mess." All four of us nodded in agreement and Alex said "I can't believe it's this messed up only a few days into this crap." He kept his eyes trained on the road as Ryan replied "If it's like this now, I can't wait until we get to Los Angeles." Alex turned around to face Ryan and said "I don't know if I can even handle Los Angeles if it's much worse than this. I mean, come on, look at this already." I looked out the windshield to see what Alex was talking about, and about 20 yards ahead of us, there was a huge flipped over tanker, blocking all three lanes of the highway.


  "ALEX PAY ATTENTION!!" I screamed. He turned back around and saw the tanker and slammed on the brakes, jerking the steering wheel hard to the right. We were all thrown against the side of the car as it went into a skid sideways towards the tanker. Just as we were about to hit it, Alex slammed on the gas and screeched away from the tanker just in time. However, it also shot us straight into a ditch off the side of the highway. We caught air as we landed in the ditch with a huge thud, all of us flying forward against our seat belts. I could hear the tinkling of the front lights smashing in, and then a crunch of metal as the rest of the front end impacted.


After a few seconds, Ryan asked "Is everyone okay?" I looked around and my eyes fell on my brother. I stared, frozen.


Ryan apparently saw me, because he started to ask, "Amanda what's-" and then saw what I was looking at.


"Oh God." He said as he jumped out of his seat and ran around the car to the driver's side.


Alex lay there, not moving, blood pouring out of his head. The airbags hadn't gone off, but he had hit his head on the roof of the car where it meets the windshield, making a spiderweb crack on the corner of the windshield and a dent in the headliner. He had a huge gash right above his forehead and blood was just gushing from it. I opened the door and threw up right there as Megan got up and went to help me.


I pushed her away and went to look at Alex. Ryan was checking his pulse and trying to stop the blood coming from his head.

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