Chapter Ten- Ally

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Alright, so here's chapter 10! Oh dear, I'm so grateful for all the reads and followers //tearsofjoy

And if you're wondering how Ashley has everyone's number, it's kinda like a thinggggg everyone gives everyone their numbers.

Please check out KEEPING STRONG by Kallistina~ IT IS SO GOOD~~ anyhow, enjoy, comment, and vote C;


Chapter Ten


I whipped back, only to be greeted with light sapphire eyes looking at me around 5 meters away.


I gave him a blank, emotionless stare.

'Why am I so mad at him? It wasn't his fault. It was Ashley's...'

But no. It was his fault, he was the one who almost kissed me. If he didn't do that, Ashley wouldn't have had her picture.


I hate having arguments with MYSELF.

I groaned out loud but kept walking  

through the sea of people in the hallways.

It was quite easy for me since I'm pretty small and petite. But not so much for Austin. For once I'm really glad he's popular with all those people slowing him down.

I headed for the library.

I opened the door and quickly scanned the room. It's nice and quiet with no more than 10 people scattered in a huge library.


I found a small table near the corner and sat there. It's location is great, hidden behind a bookshelf with lots of plants and vines to cover me from him.

'Why am I running away from him...?' A voice wondered in my head. I caught my breath and cleared my mind. I need to think this whole day over and this is the perfect spot to do it.

"Ally! There you are!"

"A-Austin?! How did you know where to find me?! B-b-but I-"

"I know this school way better than you Ally-Bear." He laughed, scruffing my hair. I can feel my face getting very hot and red at the nickname 'Ally-Bear'.

"I-I..." I managed to choke out.

"I'm sorry."

I slightly gasped. He... Apologized. Even when it's not really his fault.

"And to make it up to you, I will ask you something very important to me." He said confidently.

"What is it?"

"Come closer."

I put my ear near his face so he can whisper it to me. What is he asking me that is so important?

"Will you go out with me Berry?"

"Berry!? How did Ally become Berry?" I exclaimed. Not the smartest thing to do, or say.



"Well I just called you Ally-Bear. But that's too long. Bear wouldn't be too cute. So I figured Berry!" Austin explained, "which brings me back to my question. Will you go out with me?"

Crap. I don't know what to say!

"Uh... Umm... I- I have to think about it first." I quickly made up something to give me more time to decide. Thank god the bell decided to ring then.

"Kay, bye! See ya, I guess.." I mumbled.

"Are you still mad?"

I thought about it for a second.

"Mad, yes. At you? No." I smiled at him. Hopefully he'll forgive me for being so emotional too.

I quickly packed my stuff and went outside to wait for my dad to pick me up. 

Now that I look at it, the school is very nicely built in an ancient Roman style with pillars, patterns, and a lot of stair steps.

Dad's late.




When he finally came at 4:15pm, I went inside the car to be greeted with a sloppy daddy kiss on the cheek.

"How was my baby girl's first day today?" He asked while humming his favourite tune.

"It was... Interesting." I didn't want to lie. But I didn't want to worry him either.  

The rest of the ride was just him humming his favourite songs and me looking out of the window.

When we finally got home, I went to my room and flung myself onto my bed. 

'What a horrible first day at school.' 

Then I thought about it. What should I say to Austin? Yes? No?

I didn't want to say no. I mean, there's no reason to say no. Yes however. I want to date him. I want him to be all mine. But that is selfish. Still... That doesn't mean I can't date him. Ashley can take those rumours of hers and make them reality. I will be going out with Austin.

I will tell him tomorrow. Better yet. I have everyone's number from school. I have Austin's number. I will say yes to him. And when I trust him enough. I'll tell him my secret....... I hope he will take it well when I do.


That's it for now ^^ hope u like~ it's 12:07am and I need to go to sleep to go to school ''orz BAI PEEPS

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