Prologue: Fairy Squad

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Decided to do a fanfic of my favorite otp Nalu <3.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lucy's POV My name is Lucy Heartfilia

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Lucy's POV
My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I just moved back to my old town Fiore this Thursday, since I didn't want to live in my late husband's house Laxus Dreyar anymore, it was just too sad. He was in the army, and was a casualty in war. We had many fights and problems and were going through a divorce because he cheated on me with a woman called Mirajane Strauss. She didn't know he was married so I don't have anything against her, she was actually a very, very sweet woman when I met her. It's just sad she fell in love with him because he had a love triangle. I don't dwell on that past anymore, I just regret not forgiving him and knowing that he will never know that I do now. He died 2 years ago and I have moved on, but I still disliked living in that house. I'm now at my dad's place, he wasn't very fond of me after my mother died but after many years he just changed and was giving me the love I used to recieve from him. He's always trying to comfort me by saying that I'm gorgeous and that I should date again because Laxus would want me to. I haven't really given thought to it because it gets me stressful.

When I felt like this, I went to the gym because it just took me to another world, last time I was in one was actually years ago. I haven't lost my body because I never gave in to sugar but I needed to work on my stamina so I decided to go out today, a Saturday 11:00 am to the Fiore Gym my father talks to me about. I wore some black knee length tights, a black and pink sports bra, some dark pink tennis shoes and my black G-shock. My hair was in a french braid with my bangs out, I have to say that its been a while I feel this fashion on. I got my sports backpack, ate an apple and took a frozen water bottle before leaving. The gym is about 10 minutes away in a walk from the Heartfilia mansion. I got there, opened the door and saw many equipments. It was a really good and trendy gym. There were 4 front desks at the North, South, East and West. The one that grabbed my attention was the one that said Fairy Tail. I start to move my legs toward the desk, and reach soon enough.

- ???: "Hi! My name is Mirajane Strauss--" My eyes widended as did hers. She smiled after a few seconds of shocker and came to hug me. I returned the reaction.

-Lucy: "Oh my God Mira you have no idea how good it is to see the sweetest person I have ever met again!" I felt some tears on my shoulder in our hug and her chest jumping. "Oh Mira its ok to cry honey." My hand was going through her hair. I was really happy to see her, not sad at all like that bad?

-Mira: "Lucy.....I just still can't believe he left us.." My eyes softened.

-Lucy: "I actually can....but its ok sweety, why don't you take a break from work and come get rid of that stress by doing some exercise? I came to calm myself too for the same stress." She let go of the hug sniffling. Looking like Rudoff.

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