Chapter 7: Perfect Holiday

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This chapter is definitely dedicated to @simplynaya245, she reread my story <3. She's a cutie. Message directly to you Naya:
I wanted this story to be different and I was tired and always questioning why Grandine and Igneel were always married. I mean its Wendy MARVEL. Not Wendy Dragneel >_>. And thank you for your support. Thats all.
One month later...

Lucy's POV
Today is Christmas Eve, 8:00 p.m. and theres a nice get together here at the Heartfilia mansion. Most people from Fairy Squad came over. Gajeel, Levy, Loke, Juvia, Gray, Master, Mirajane, Freed, Bickslow, Lisanna, Reedus, Cana, Elfman, Evergreen and Erza were here from the squad. I also invited Jellal, Sting ONLY because Natsu told me to be nice, Rogue, Milliana and Kagura because Erza asked if she could invite them. Gray asked me if he could invite someone but I wasn't sure who it was. I guess I'll find out who she or he is. Cana asked if she could invite her drinking buddy whoever he or she is. I let everyone invite anyone really. Natsu brought over his family which I happily welcomed. The party just started, literally 2 minutes ago and the whole Fairy Squad and others from that area are here already. Many grabbed my attention but specifically Gajeel and Levy did. They walked in with their hands intertwined and I had to obligate myself to not squeal. 

-Levy: "Lu-chan!" I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

-Gajeel: "Yo bunny girl! Where's the food?" I glared at him jokingly and pointed my finger to a room.

-Lucy: "Don't eat too many snacks, the food's almost ready!" I yelled at him. I looked back at Levy holding her shoulders. "DETAILS NOW!" She started giggling that unique laugh of hers and signaled to sit down on the couch. Levy and I have become very close throughout the days I've spent here but my best friend is definitely Erza. We do almost everything together, she took me on a hike that was only the two of us and we bonded very much.

-Levy: "Well... it happened last night. He accompanied me to my car because it was dark. You know, him being really protective and stuff... When I was about to get in the car, we both blurted out at the same time our names shyly. His nervousness was so cute, he kept scratching the back of his neck and lowering his jaw. I asked him to go first and he asked me if I could be his Christmas date. Or at least tried, so I just had to interrupt him there. My heartbeat was accelerating ridiculously. I tiptoed myself as much as I could to his height and kissed his cheek, letting him know that it was a definite yes... Oooh Lu-chan I could barely sleep that night! I was so happy!" She squealed and I was almost jumping up and down.

-Lucy: "Thats amazing Levy-chan! I'm so happy for you!" I hugged her tightly until a voice interrupted, making Levy get goosebumps that I could feel from our hug.

-Gajeel: "Can you finish already, I want to be with shrimp!" I turned around and saw him blushing a bit. I elbowed Levy softly and moved my head towards him. She stood up fast understanding me and ran away with him. I gave her a nice thumbs up before she disappeared. I looked over at the door that was wide open because of all the people drifting in, the person there that grabbed my attention was Gray. I started walking towards him and stop abruptly seeing his arm over a long black haired and tall beautiful female's shoulder. Was she his date? What about Juvia? Oh God... Juvia has to be devastated if she's seen this! I started looking around, not finding her. About to walk around to find her, I felt a finger tap my shoulder. I turn around and find myself looking at Gray and the female. I put on a confused smile for show.

-Lucy: "Hey!" I looked over at the woman and took my hand out. "I'm sorry, but we haven't met before. My name is Lucy Heartfilia, welcome to the party!" She smiled and nodded.

-Gray: "This is the person I asked to invite, Ultear meet Lucy, Lucy meet Ultear." Ultear, isn't she Gray's godmother? I scrunched my eyebrows confused and they caught on.

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