Chapter 4: Assistant

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Natsu's POV
I open my eyes and stretch my arms. I don't sense a certain blonde nuzzling on my chest or her warmth next to me, which makes me frown. Where did she go? I started thinking about last night which causes a smile to erupt on my face. This may be a little weird but... I'm glad we didn't do anything intimate last night. I'm not ready yet to be honest, I joke around about it but I find it very serious. I sit up and scratch my eyes yawning.

I start walking to the bathroom to freshen up. After I brush my teeth and shower, I started to run my fingers through my hair but some footsteps from the room interrupt me. I open the door revealing my whole body only with a towel around my waist and neck to my beautiful girlfriend. Her entire body froze but of course her eyes did not, not the least bit. They started going up and down dancing on my body while her lips were curling into a cute smile. I smirk at her reaction and start walking towards her.

-Lucy: "I can't believe I have this all to myself." She says while her eyebrows jump up. I'm pretty sure she meant to say that in her head because her hand slapped over her mouth. My cocky smirk still plastered on my face. "Oh my God I can't believe I just said that out loud..."

-Natsu: "Whats so bad about it? You only said the truth." I shrug. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her towards me. At first she was tense but then loosened up, instead of a shocked face became sweet soon after. I couldn't hold back the kiss I wanted to give her, that smirk is irresistible. I smashed my lips on hers and before I even had a chance to ask permission to slide into her mouth, she already did. She did it fast but it wasn't aggressive, it was definitely passionate. After about like 8 seconds I released her to put on some clothes and I heard her pouting. "Well, I'm about to take off my towel to wear some clothes. You staying for the show?" She got a little tense again but grinned.

-Lucy: "Nothing I haven't seen before." That comment made me interested.

-Natsu: "Ok." I started unwrapping the towel slowly making her blush even more and widening her eyes. Just when the show was about to start she started running out of the room.

-Lucy: "OK OK OK! ...I'll see it another day..." She mumbles.

-Natsu: "I heard that!" My towel fell off and was now picking some gym clothes. As much as I would like to stay here with Luce, I have to go work. After getting dressed, I picked up my bag and started walking downstairs. Man this smell is amazing. When I arrived at the first floor, I see some blonde in the kitchen and hear the sound of steam. I enter and caught her by surprise by wrapping my arms around her. "You make this place feel like a home already."

-Lucy: "But this was always your home stupid." She said while cooking an omelet.

-Natsu: "Well yeah...but its different when you see your girlfriend cooking for you downstairs." I say simply.

-Lucy: "And who said I was cooking for you?" I let her go and my eyes widened, she has GOT to be lying. She looked at me and giggled. "Haha, look at your face. I'm kidding! Wait, why are you all dressed up like that? Don't tell me you have to work!" I had a childish frown on my face and started to fake sniffle.

-Natsu: "But I do...I've got some new trainee today, I'll probably just reject her since I'm like not interested in any chick now." I say as I get to the table to set down my bag and sit. "Why don't you just come with me?"

-Lucy: "Ugh, I can't! I need to get a job today, well not need, more like want. I'm tired of doing nothing and need some entertainment."

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