Chapter 1: Ultimate date

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This chapter jumps POV to POV because I really fucked up the first time I wrote it. Old readers would understand what I mean lol.
Natsu's POV
Today is finally Saturday, I'm getting ready for the date. I cleaned the house up and had a chat with my cat Happy to be good even if he doesn't understand me. I bought myself a netflix account and all types of snacks. Ice cream, strawberry cake, cookies for us to bake, popsicles, popcorn, soda and more. We'll probably get diabetes after here...though this is a super bad example as her trainer. Its just one night, it won't hurt that much. I know she's weak when it comes to sweets but she manages to control herself, I hope she'll like all of this. I've never had a cavity in my life, my dad never let me have much candy, only like on Halloween and Christmas. Its 3:00 pm right now and my anxiety is bringing me to call her. No fighting it. I grab my phone, the paper I copied the number on and start dialing it. It rings 3 times and soon enough, she picks it up with a voice full of curiosity.

-Lucy: "Moshi Moshi?"

-Natsu: "Yo! Luce its me, Natsu." I could feel her smile on the other side of the phone.

-Lucy: "Hey Natsuuu, whats up? I was just thinking about you.." Her saying that brought the grin I had plastered on my face even larger.

-Natsu: "Yeah obviously I was too.."

-Natsu/Lucy: "Can we hang now?" We ask simultaneously. The thought of me not being the only one anxious makes me feel good. We both started laughing.

-Lucy: "I guess I'm not the only one thats a little nervous but excited to see my date huh?"

-Natsu: "You have no idea, can I pick you up now--" Before I could finish..

-Lucy: "Yes! Umm...I mean yeah sure." That was very amusing, she's confident about herself but deep down she's such a softy. She's probably saying the same thing about me. "Okay ummm, sorry for yelling but I'm actually ready...already...hehe."

-Natsu: "And my place is also ready, I'm on my way. See you there." I closed my phones screen, grabbed my keys and jacket and walked out of my house. On my way to the car I see a familiar black Mercedes. A hint of disgust slapped me, not happy at all to see such a person here.

Lucy POV
I'm so anxious to see Natsu, I don't even know why. I guess that kiss wasn't a mistake... When I got home that night, my father greeted me and told me he heard and saw everything but not on purpose. He seemed so happy for me, yesterday he told me he wanted to meet the handsome pinkette and make sure that he wasn't a cheater. When he told me that I giggled at how much he cared about me. Its been thirty minutes already...I wonder if he lives far to take such a time to pick me up. Right when I was thinking my maid Virgo knocked on my door saying I had a visitor. Before she could finish I opened the door and ran downstairs. "Arigato-nee Virgo!" I enter the living room and see Natsu next to my father looking like the gentleman he is not.

-Natsu: "Yo Luce! Your father is great, and to think that I was scared." He gave his toothy grin. "Well it was nice to meet you Mr. Heartfi-- Jude." He nodded and shook his hand.

-Jude: "Come by anytime Natsu, it would be great to see your father again. So I was thinking to have a dinner together, mind mentioning it to him?"

-Natsu: "That sounds great sir, I'll inform him and ask Luce for your to number to give it to him." I went to father, gave him a kiss and hug and ran along with my pinky. We left the house and went into his car. "I'm sorry for being late Luce, I had a...visitor." I looked at him a little confused because he didn't seem fond of having that certain visitor.

-Lucy: "You don't seem to like your visitor..." I say with a raised eyebrow.

-Natsu: "It was Lisanna..." He says uneasily. By the sound of his voice, it sounded like the situation was rather difficult. I leaned my head to my right shoulder as he turned on the Corvette and started to drive.

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