Extra Chapter 16: Happy

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17 years later...

Natsu's POV

-Natsu: "No." I reject, seeing Silver's expression fall instantly.

-Nashi: "But daddy--"

-Natsu: "No! Out of all kids, why Gray's?" I ask her annoyed. Here we were, going through the 'Daddy, can I have a boyfriend?' process. Out of all kids, my 17 year old Nashi wants to be with stripper's one. "Do you strip too?" I ask Silver curiously. He coughs and scratches the back of his neck.

-Silver: "Umm...no sir. My father only does that because that was how he was raised."

-Natsu: "Pfft, thats what he says." I say as I look back at Nashi, my gorgeous pink haired and brown orbed baby girl that now has a body of a woman. I see her face, the face Lucy had on when she saw me. The one full of love. I sighed and looked down at my feet, thinking. I don't want my baby girl to have a terrible heartbreak like her mother and I. The last thing I want for her to get cheated on, though men should be satisfied with her, she's gorgeous! My thoughts are interrupted with a gentle hand that lands on mine, you could see her beautiful natural nails and flawless skin. I look up to see the love of my life's soft smile and calm eyes.

-Lucy: "Natsu, she's already grown up. We fell in love at that age for the first time, remember?"

-Natsu: "But not with eachother, it was a mistake to be with them at that age. Thats why I want her to find someone at the age we were at..." I say as I look back down, to only receive a head lifting by her gentle finger. Our noses were almost touching, her kind eyes striking me.

-Lucy: "We only found eachother because of the experience, and who knows? I bet they are truly good for each other. Look..." She says, signaling to them. I follow her finger's direction, and see their smiley faces at each other. Nashi's blush redder than a tomato.

-Silver: "I'll fight for you, Nash." He says lowly but of course my sonic ears can hear it clearly. I sigh and shut my eyes tightly. Thinking of how to let go of my sweet daughter. The last thing I want is for her to get heartbroken. But Lucy is right, she needs the experience if he is the one or not.

-Natsu: "Make her feel less than what she really is, and I'll knock that shitty cross off your ear. Got it?" Their heads shot up towards us. Revealing a shocked Silver and happy Nashi.

-Nashi: "Oh my God daddy, thank you thank you!" She shrieks as she runs over and hugs me, sitting on my lap.

-Silver: "U-Uh, thank you Mr. Dragneel!" He says as he bows and gets up. "A-also yourself Mrs. Dragneel..." He says shyly.

-Lucy: "You can pass by the Dragneel Global and our house whenever you'd like son."

-Natsu: "But you can't enter if either of us aren't there! I'll kick your ass and if your dad comes to avenge you, I'll kick his too." I say in my warning tone, receiving a shiver from him. "Now go on ahead on that date of yours. Bring her after 9:00 p.m. and I'll--"

-Silver: "Kick my ass, yeah, I know." He says as Nashi jumps off of my lap, not leaving without giving me her sweet kiss as well to her mother. He wraps his arm around Nashi's waist when she runs back to his side. "I'll take care of her sir. By the way, mother would like you to call her Mrs. Dragneel." Lucy nods as they turn around and walk out of the door. I felt my stomach drop and my heart sink. She's actually walking out of that door with her first boyfriend. With popsicle's and stalker's son. 'What did I ever do to receive this?'

-Lucy: "Hey, at least your heart isn't breaking alone." She says as her fingers wrap around my tense ones. "Actually, I know just where we could go for a distraction."

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