Chapter 3: Worth it

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Lucy's POV
After cheering, Natsu grabs my hand and pulls me out of the truck almost tripping. We were running and I had no clue to where until we stood infront of a jumping house.

-Lucy: "Ummm... I really don't care how old I am. I'm getting in this." I took off my shoes and threw them in the air. I jumped in and find myself in a maze practically. I then feel some muscular arms around my waist pull me back outside and found myself in the arms of the raven haired guy named Gray I think. "Hey! I wanted to jump! Let go of me already you... you stripper!" He gave me a questioned look and I signaled his torso that was shirtless.

-Gray: "Oh that... yeah I don't really care anymore. Get used to it. I know you like it." He winks at me and I gave him my famous..

-Lucy: "LUUUCY KICK!" He went flying to the ground and I started to wipe his body germs off me. Pervert! I started to hear some loud laughing, I turn around to find Natsu rolling on the floor laughing.

-Natsu: "You you...nyahahhahahaha GRAY YOU JUST GOT YOUR ASS KICKED BRO!" He started pointing at him and you could see veins pop out of his forehead. "And and 'L-L-Lucy k-k-kick'?! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA" he imitated my face when he was stuttering through his laughs. Idiot.

-Lucy: "Get up you stupid pinkette and explain to me why you pulled me out pervert!" Of course, Natsu was laughing harder when I called the stripper pervert. Gray started getting up, still not having a shirt on. Even if he's a perv he sure is a hot one. But Natsu's hotter.

-Gray: "Checking me out huh blondie?" He starts to smirk and one starts to creep under my nose as well, growing wider than his.

-Lucy: "Oh, yeah. I was checking you out to be honest." Natsu stopped laughing when he heard me and almost protested until I continued talking. "I was comparing you to Natsu, and he's hotter." After a second, the laugh returns.

-Natsu: "NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I told you I was hotter than you! Luce, lets have 30 babies." That comment made me have a small tint of blush, causing a monstrous imagination.

-Gray: "Ugh get a room you two, we have a competition to get on with." He started to roll his eyes. Wait, competition? Gray noticed my confused look and said... "Yeah, thats why I pulled you out. The threeway camp is a triple marathon in 1) The air maze 2) The swim at the river 3) Lastly, the paintball park where the players can be shot at to be eliminated but you also have to get to the end where you win. The winner gets a surprise at the end." He started to grin at that last comment.

-Lucy: "Well lucky you guys, I'm a very competitive female that always win. Lets get started!" Everyone started walking over to us and started lining up next to eachother, on my left was Natsu and on my right was the stunning but scary Erza.

-Erza: "I apologize if I make you people cry... again." She said out loud to everyone in the competition. Everyone started shouting different things.

-Natsu: "Oy Erza! I almost kicked your ass last time so don't get too cocky!"

-Gray: "Shut up flamebrain, I was the closest to her!"

-Juvia: "Thats right! Gray-sama is always right! Wait...GRAY-SAMA CAN'T BE CLOSE TO ERZA-SAN! LOVE RIVAL!"

-Gajeel: "I'm gonna smack the shit out of you guys if you don't shut your trap!"

-Elfman: "You aren't a man if you don't win! MAN!" Too much babble...

-Lucy: "If you guys don't mind, I'm kicking all your asses today. Thanks for the head start!" They didn't even hear Mira and Levy yell the ready, set and go. Those five stayed behind fighting until I yelled out, the ones I was racing against right now are Cana, Wendy and Jellal while the others were pushing each other running at the same time. Behind me was Cana, Jellal was next to me and Wendy was ahead very very fast. I mean... how can she go through the wind like that? Its like if she's controlling it, practically gliding. I was finally in front of the jumping house and ran into the maze, I heard some of the guys say that the maze changes every week so we had to be careful. I could hear Natsu raging from over here.

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