Chapter 2: Threeway Camp?

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Lucy's POV
I got to the movie theater room and there were ALL kinds of snacks. Except the healthy kind of ones. I mean honestly, Best trainer? Nah.

When I was walking I saw Happy jump on the couch and onto my shoulder, which is fairly cool. I wish I could do that. I saw Natsu with a big popcorn bag sitting on a bing bag. I surprised him by jumping on the one next to him, he almost threw the popcorn in the air.

-Lucy: "Its only me..." I giggled, causing him to roll his eyes playfully.

-Natsu: "Alrighty then, what shall we watch?" I started thinking.

-Lucy: "How about all the Paranormal Activities?" The grin plastered on his face became larger as the words sinked in.

-Natsu: "Definitely." He slips his hand into a cabinet that had approximately a hundred movies. He successfully found the classic first one and hands it to me with joy.


We watched 3 of them and I screamed probably too many times. Every time I did, he tried to comfort me by saying to stop being a wimp because he was here. Which never helped since he wasn't comforting me physically. Usually a girl doesn't get scared by a horror movie when the guy wraps his arm around her or something like that. If you believed this 'gentleman' to be anything close that, you're in a daze. My eyes were feeling rather heavy since it was 1:24 a.m. I tried to detain myself from going in a deep slumber but soon, everything went black.

Natsu's POV
I glanced at Lucy to see her once terrified eyes, closed. A small smile dresses my face at the sight of her cuteness. I turned off the tv and slip my arms under her while she's mumbling. The question of where should I take her appeared. My room or one of the guest room...? Without deciding, I find myself in front of my door. Thinking that this was probably a sign. I opened my room's door slightly with my leg and lay her down softly on my king sized bed. She already had showered and wore comfy clothes so I left her like that. After, I take off my shirt, put on some grey baggy sweats and layed down next to her. We were both adults so it wasn't a big deal if we slept in the same bed, honestly thats only worrying if you're a teenager because of all the hormones.

My gaze didn't leave her face until I thought of her father. I grabbed her phone, unlocked it with the code she trusted me with and started typing to her father.

Luce fell asleep over here and she looked too peaceful to wake up so I guess she'll be staying over, hope you don't mind. -Natsu

After sending the {hopefully} reassuring message, I closed her phone and decided to charge it with the cable while mine was on the iHome. I layed back down and started seeing everything dark. I was just about to be knocked out until I felt a soft body pushed on mine. I lower my look and see her nuzzling my chest, still asleep. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and drive my eyes back to the darkness.

I suddenly begin sensing a pair of eyes staring at me. Once I open my own, I find myself gazing down at a certain blond looking at me with her mouth on my chest and her big brown orbs looking happily at my onyx ones. I've never seen someone so beautiful waking up in the morning honestly. She lifts her head, realizing my wake and smiles childishly.

-Lucy: "Morning sleepy pinky, we didn't have sex last night did we? I don't really remember." Funny how she's still smiling with that thought. My eyes go wide and I give her my toothy grin.

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