Chapter 12: Family

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Lucy's POV
After saying and hearing those lovely words from my boyfriend, I enter my house calling out to father.

-Lucy: "Papa! Come greet me!" I yell out giggling like a little cute spoiled brat. After a few seconds I didn't receive a response. "Daddy!" I yell out leaving my belongings in the kitchen. 'He must be working his butt off.' I go up the stairs to give him a kiss myself. I knock on his office door while opening it slowly. "Hey daddy, I'm hom--" I interrupt my words as I see him laying on the floor, n-not breathing? I run over to him almost tripping feeling myself panic. "No no no no no no!" I yell out, not receiving any response. I lean my head onto his chest and calm down just a tinsy bit for hearing his heart beat. The calmness faded almost instantly still realizing he was still on the floor. I grabbed my phone and called Natsu. 'There's no time for a damn ambulance and I can't carry him on my own!' He picks it up almost instantly.

-Natsu: "Aw you miss me already ba--"

-Lucy: "NATSU! COME BACK PLEASE! THE DOOR IS OPEN I-I NEED YOU!" My yells through the phone crack and I burst out in tears, not wanting to say that father's life was in danger.

-Natsu: "Woah woah woah woah woah, baby take a breather, I'm getting out of the car already. DON'T PANIC! I'm going to be there in a second." He hung up the phone and once again, I threw the poor phone at the wall sobbing terribly. I pulled daddy up into my arms, leaving him under my chin and caressed his cheek softly.

-Lucy: "E-Everything w-will b-be f-f-fin--" I tried to finish my sentence but yelled out crying. "DON'T LEAVE ME DADDY!" I screamed. As soon as I did, I heard running footsteps. I turned to find the man that comforts me the most at times needed. "N-Natsu..." I say softly. He ran up to me and threw father around his shoulder, not struggling at all with his weight. I tried to be positive so much but I could only think of negative things. He started running out of the office with me behind him.

-Natsu: "What the fuck happened!" He screamed out with an angry and confused tone.

-Lucy: "I-I just found him collapsed on the floor!" I say in between my sobs. Negative voices filling me in completely.

'He won't be there for you anymore'

'Stop scaring people away'

'First your mom, then your husband and now your dad'

'Laxus has to be regretting coming back, he'll just really die around you' I clutched onto my head, trying so badly to ignore these voices. "S-STOP!" I yell out running slowly now because of the headache.

-Natsu: "Luce!" Natsu yelled out to me, his voice sounded faded. I started to see everything black...

Natsu's POV
Lucy collapsed on the floor, making my heart race the triple. As soon as she did, I heard a voice.

-???: "Princess! I'm back!" Yelled the pink haired figure in front of me.

-Natsu: "Virgo! Great timing, pick Luce up because we're going to the hospital. She must have fainted because of the shock." She dropped all her bags, 'Vacation?' and carried Lucy instantly. We appeared in the car and we both jumped in, settling the two figures down. I turned on the car the fastest I could, and drove off making the tires screech because of the abrupt speed.

"Virgo, attend them until we arrive please! Luce just found her father like this and called out to me instantly." I say to her, half way to the closest hospital already. I was reaching 120 mph almost. 'Good thing I'm a great driver' I say to myself. Arriving at the hospital, Lucy started to wake up having a blank face. After about two seconds her eyes grew wide. "Baby, it's all right. We're here." I parked the car at the entrance of the emergency area and carried out Jude, running. "SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!" I yell out, grabbing every single person's attention from the whole area. Many medics came running with a bed and took him away from me.

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