Chapter 8: Love, Golden

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Lucy's POV
Six days have passed since Christmas, Natsu and I couldn't be happier. I feel so complete now knowing that we love each other. We decided to spend New Years Eve together, and only together at his place. Surprisingly it was father who suggested it. He said 'You should spend New Years with Natsu so you can experience the jump of a year to another with the person you love.' I agreed with my old man and informed Natsu that I'd be staying over today. He happily obliged obviously. I had my bag packed and ready. When I received Natsu's message that he was at the front, I kissed dad and ran away with him. I hopped into the car and pecked his lips.

-Natsu: "Hey." He said as he started driving out of the entrance.

-Lucy: "Hey, what are the plans then?" I ask, having a bright smile on my face.

-Natsu: "Well, we could... you know..." He said playfully, I knew exactly what he was talking about and I decided to play along.

-Lucy: "That sounds great! Why not do it at 11:30 exactly so our climax will be in sync with the new year?" I ask, very normal but obviously lying. His cheeks burned up and his mouth was opening and closing, not having a word leaving his lips.

-Natsu: "Ehm... R-really?" He asked serious. That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for. I thought he'd be like 'Alright! I'm fired up!' or something like that, but instead he sounds a little scared and uncomfortable.

-Lucy: "Natsu, I'm kidding." I giggle lowly but get a straight face. "Don't take this as if I'm mad but... would you... not doing it with me or something?" I asked and was glad that the atmosphere was not awkward. We are two adults that are not virgins and know exactly what we are doing. I really want to know whats on his mind.

-Natsu: "No no Luce its not that. Wait but do you want to?" I shake my head and look at my lap.

-Lucy: "I'm actually not ready, I-I want to make sure... I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings or something... I just don't want to be cheated on again..." I say gripping onto my skirt.

-Natsu: "It doesn't hurt my feelings or anything because I feel the exact same way. I'm glad we cleared that out." I give him a sweet smile and nod.

-Lucy: "Me too..." We arrived at his place and I signaled him that I wanted to speak for the entrance. He chuckled and nodded.

-Natsu: "Go ahead then." He says as he presses the speaker button.

-Lucy: "Dragneel2020 - Guest Heartfilia2020"

-Voice: "Correction, 'Dragneel2020 - Girlfriend Heartfilia2020' Welcome lady Luce Heartfilia." My eyes widened when she mentioned girlfriend and I started giggling.

-Lucy: "That is... just wow. I like it." I state smiling. I started saying in my head 'Good, I'm not plural like other guests' . We drove in his driveway receiving a warm welcome from Levy, Macao and a young boy who looked bored and didn't want to be here.

-Macao: "Welcome master and mistress." He bowed.

-Levy: "Welcome home!" The young boy stays quiet, not daring to lay an eye on Natsu. Macao looked over at him and practically growled.

-Macao: "Forgive my son's behavior please, he's just... being him." He says sighing.

-Natsu: "Pffft, Mac I told you to not call me master and its ok. Yo Romeo, you dumped my cousin, not me. So stop acting like I'm gonna kick your ass already." He throws Romeo the keys and says... "You can put Daphne in the garage under Mac's supervision. Your welcome." He says turning into the house. You could hear Romeo cheering, getting to lay his hands on a yellow camaro's wheel.

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