Chapter 5: Yellow and Pink Sunset

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Lucy's POV
Jealousy. Why am I getting so jealous over something so idiotic? Maybe she just want to come over to get some things since they were once married and lived together. I have no reason whatsoever to get jealous, right?

-Natsu: "Luce, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I promise its nothing to worry about. You know what, I'll just cancel on her." I bite my bottom lip and shake my head.

-Lucy: "No, its ok. I'll let you go without a fight if you tell me why she met up with you that day and what she wants this Saturday." He started looking down at the box of burgers. He cleared his throat and said...

-Natsu: "She thinks I have a sickness and that I passed it on to her." My eyes widened in shock. A sickness?!

-Lucy: "What?! A sickness?! Do you have chlamydia or something Natsu?!" I ask, panic filling in.

-Natsu: "No! Of course not! Lisanna is the only girl I've slept with! I don't understand why she thinks I have it, I have to do some tests to find out if I do or not but its impossible that I do! Please believe me, I do NOT want to scare you off."

-Lucy: "Then do those tests tomorrow morning Natsu." And then it sinks in. A massive guy like this has only been with one woman. His ex wife. "Wait...Lisanna is the only girl you've been with?" I say looking back at him again.

-Natsu: "Well intimately yes. Obviously I have some ex girlfriends..." A smile erupted on my face.

-Lucy: "Thats adorable." I state. "I've only been with Laxus as well so I'm not that experienced to be honest." I shake my head before continuing. "Geezus! Back to the situation. You have to do the tests because she can press charges against you if you did pass it onto her without warning, which I highly doubt unless she's lying and she had it all along. And why does she even think this?"

-Natsu: "She has the symptoms now and I'm pretty sure her and Bickslow are in a tragic state because of it." I started thinking and got an idea.

-Lucy: "Maybe she wasn't only with Bickslow when she cheated on you.."

-Natsu: "Oy... that could be bloody true. Well anyways, now you know. I'll just tell her to meet me early in the morning and I'll be on time at your house at dinner. Maybe you should go with me..." He said gazing into the space while I had a confused look. {edited}

-Lucy: "But that honestly isn't my business... so that means I'm not going anywhere." I say drinking my smoothie. "Now lets go get myself a puppy! Its already three." I say now standing up and preparing to leave.

-Natsu: "Ugh let me kick out Flare first and grab Happy. As much annoyance Happy provides me, if that dog touches him I'll throw it away." His statement made me laugh.

-Lucy: "I promise I'll get a dog that loves Happy. Now c'mon! I'll grab the car while you do whatever you're gonna do." I throw away the bag full of trash and walk out to the car. While I was leaving, of course there were whistles again which I ignored...again. I got to the car and drove up to the front. After a few minutes I hear the door of the entrance open which revealed Natsu and Happy. "Hurry up! The shop closes up soon." Since the car didn't have a hood, Natsu just jumped in literally and I rushed the car right when he was in. "Hey, we should go to a rave one of these days." My mouth says bluntly. Realizing what I had just said, my eyes widened but I shrugged it off and take the chance to continue. "I mean, there has to be a good dj coming soon right? Or maybe we should go to the Tomorrowland in Europe!" I said excitedly. "Its just... Laxus hated raves so the last one I went to was when I was like 17..."

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