Chapter 15: Ceremony

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I don't know why this unpublished itself. -.-

Lucy's POV
Noise starts jamming into my ears, loud knocks on the door. I rub my eyes and stretch, sitting up.

-Lucy: "Yah yah yaaaah...ya. I'm coming already!" I yell scratching my head. "Natsu why don't you get--" I interrupt myself when I open my eyes and not see him. "WHERES NATSU!" I cry out, missing his warmth.

-Levy: "Lu-chan! He's getting ready for the wedding, you have to too!" She yells and I squint my eyes.

-Lucy: "Wedding? Yes the wedding..." I say casually like if I was going to eat breakfast, until realization hit me. My eyes widened. "OH MY GOD THE WEDDING IS TODAY!" I gasp, running out of the bed and opening the door. I see Levy wearing a teal long blue strapless dress with a bow on its right hip side. She grabs my hand and drags me to the bathroom. When we arrive, there was all of my bridesmaids and maid of honor. Erza, Wendy, Juvia and of course, Levy were all wearing the same dresses but since Mira was my maid of honor, she was wearing a soft yellow short dress with the bikini type strap. Erza grabs my shoulders and starts dragging me.

-Erza: "Brush your teeth and take a shower now!" She commands and I rapidly follow it. After doing so, Mira sits on a chair by my side, moving my chair towards hers and brings out two large bags, unzipping them, revealing tons of makeup.

-Mira: "Now then, you're wearing light blue makeup to match your glass slippers and bridesmaids. Kay?" She says as Juvia appears on the mirror with a blow dryer, sets it down on the table in front of me and starts spraining my hair of water, leaving it dry almost completely. 'How can she do that!'

-Levy: "I have to go now, I'm in charge of everything in the wedding. I'll see you guys later!" She says as she runs out.

-Wendy: "I'll go prepare the clothing."

-Erza: "I'll make and bring your breakfast."

-Lucy: "Wait guys!" They all stopped and looked at me. "Thank you...for all of this and your friendship. You guys are the best..." I say with a grateful smile. 'They're literally doing everything'

-Erza: "Anything for our close friend..." She says and rushes out of the door. Wendy nods and does the same thing. I look at Mira with a confused face.

-Lucy: "I have no idea how this wedding is going to turn out. Natsu didn't want to tell me anything! At what time is this anyway?!" Mira looks down at her phone to check the time.

-Mira: "The weddings in two hours so there's nothing to worry about." She says with a sweet smile and I sigh in relief. "Now stay still!"

Natsu's POV

-Natsu: "How do I look Happy?"

-Happy: "Meow..." He says as he continues eating his fish. I roll my eyes and dial Gajeel's number. After a few seconds he finally picked up.

-Gajeel: "Salamander!"

-Natsu: "Where the hell are you! I need my best man's help!"

-Gajeel: "Stop whining, I'm at the door hot head."

-Natsu: "Tsk, hard head..." I mutter before throwing the phone on the bed and opening the door. There, he was with short hair, his bangs clipped back and a very elegant white suit on, smirking.

-Gajeel: "Naw, you're nervous." He says as I feel a sweat drip down from my forehead and my palms sweat. I roll my eyes and ignore it.

-Natsu: "How do I look?" Gajeel squints his eyes as if he's thinking, which he rarely does. I was wearing the yellow prince wedding tux outfit.

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