Chapter 9: Surprise

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January 11, 2016...

Natsu's POV
I see everything black and heard nothing until a 'Beep' started sounding constantly, repeating and repeating and repeating. From black, everything went yellow revealing the open window and sunlight. There was a shadow in front of the open window. Of course I recognized it instantly, it was the real My real sunlight.

-Lucy: "Stop drooling over me and wake up Dragneel sensei!" (Teacher) She shouts with her hands bulbed into fists on her hips. Her hair was tied up into two high side pony tails with her bangs out. She was wearing a black sports bra with a hot pink gym sweater, some black and pink knee length tights and black and pink Reebok sport shoes. I groan tired.

-Natsu: "How do you want me to stop drooling when you look like that? Man... I am so going to show you off all like 'Yeah this sexy woman picked me to be her boyfriend' shit." I say groggily, looking up and down, she covered her mouth to hide her giggling. I stood up with no shirt and just in boxers. Her eyes went up and down as well, her hand went off her face revealing her biting lip action. "Oh but I guess I'm not the only one who drools." I smirk while she rolls her eyes.

-Lucy: "C'mon, get dressed. I told the maids to not make breakfast because I wanted you to do it. I'm glad you told them to do what I say since I'm their 'Mistress'." She says grinning.

-Natsu: "Sure but I warn you. I like making burnt food." I state, her eyes widened and she started sucking her cheeks into her mouth.

-Lucy: "Yeah, I'll do breakfast." I went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I was out, I started getting dressed with the clothes Lucy set out on my bed since she really likes dressing me up and doing my hair. We're really gonna have some spoiled sons. What she set me out was really cute because it was matching with her clothes. I look into the mirror and see a pink sweater over a black tank top, the sweater had a yellow patch of the Fairy Tail symbol on my right arm shoulder while Luce's symbol was on the center back, I had some black baggy sweat pants and black and pink Reebok sport shoes as well. I grabbed my usual big black side bag and walked downstairs, smelling some sugary french toast. Yum.


-Natsu: "Yo popsicle, stalker!" I yell out to Gray and Juvia as they're getting down from the car as well as Luce and I.

-Gray: "Hey flamebrain, blondie." He says as he's walking towards us, I see his smirk and eyes scavenging on Luce's body. Before I could tell him off, of course someone else did.

-Juvia: "Gray-sama! You only have eyes for Juvia! Stop gazing at Love rival like that!" She says while she clings onto him and rubs her huge breasts on his arms, I swear I could see her eyes turn into puppy and heart eyes. Gray looked at her and started panicking, blushing like crazy.

-Gray: "J-J-Juvia! S-stop! Get away from me!" And he runs away while Juvia chases him.

-Juvia: "Gray-sama!" I wrap my fingers around Lucy's, turning our hand into a knot.

-Lucy: "You better never run from me like that. You know I'll catch you."

-Natsu: "I know you'll catch me."

We open the school doors, stomping into the hallway, letting all the kids know we're here. Man we must look amazing... not to brag but my girlfriend has the best taste in clothes and hair. Though she didn't do my hair, she said to leave it my spiky natural do. She also said that it was attractive. We were walking down the hall not looking at anyone but everyone sure was looking at us. There were whispers everywhere.

-???: "He's this semester's gym teach and she's his assistant."

-???: "Yeah I know! There are three gym teachers and assistants, they're from Fairy Squad."

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