Chapter 13: Road to sweetness

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Lucy's POV
I gaze at my luggage and grin to myself. Feeling excited to get on Natsu's private jet with our families. We're all going to Florida since the wedding will be held there which I have no idea where since my fiancé doesn't want to tell me. I feel very anxious to know where it will be held. The only thing I know is where our honey moon will be since I am the one who's planned it! 'We're going to Tahiti! Heehee' I whisper in my head. Since Natsu is a little spoiled, we started packing right away after him proposing. 'I still can't believe he proposed to me' Yes, it was crazy to start packing at 4:15 a.m or something like that but we have to go today if we want to be a little more comfortable since Florida is on the other side of the world! The flight will take 15 hours, so yes...we HAVE to leave already.

Today is Saturday, January 16th, 2016, 4:59 a.m and the wedding will be on Tuesday, January 19th, 2016, 1:00 p.m. Meanwhile I am packing, I sent Virgo to buy a wedding ring since I have no time at all to do it myself. But I went online to look for a store, picked it out and sent Virgo with the name and picture to buy it with my credit card. I decided to pick a ring thats based on a ruby, opposite from mine that is based on a diamond but still has both and with his initials engraved as well as mine. God will it be expensive, but I don't care the cost. I just like seeing a happy grin on his face.

Due to the reason we're rushing the marriage (don't get me wrong, we're still doing it out of love as well) because of father, I'm not as happy as a person would imagine but I'm still happy. Usually, honeymoons are held right after the marriage but we will do it after my father's death to spend his last breaths with each other. The doctors gave us medicine that will slow the prick of cancer and leave him with less pain. Which means the exchange of oxygen during a flight won't cause him a heart attack. After I was done packing, I started to dial Natsu's number since he had left to his own house to pack.

-Natsu: "Hello?" I look at my left hand to gaze at my beautiful ring and smile brightly to myself.

-Lucy: "Why, hello my handsome fiancé, have you finished packing for our greatly planned wedding?"

-Natsu: "Why yes, Mrs. Dragneel. I'll come pick you and my father-in-law up very very soon after my dad, aunt and Wendy to drive down to the center to go on that gorgeous jet you got me." I giggle at his cute happy tone and start zipping up the luggage.

-Lucy: "Great, I'll see you then! I love you."

-Natsu: "And I love you princess." With that, I hung up. Regretting soon after since I enjoy hearing his voice so much. After pulling everything out of the room, I check everything to be sure that I didn't leave anything important. 'Toothbrush check, chargers check, wallet/purses check, different type of occasions outfits check, etc.' Alrighty, that seems about it! I walk out of the room to grab the luggage until I see a pink haired female checking my bags.

-Lucy: "Oy, Virgo! What are you doing!" She looks up at me with an 'its obvious' look. "What!" I yell, crossing my arms.

-Virgo: "I don't see the most important clothes, princess." She says with a now blank face. I stare down at her, confused. "Punishment time, princess?" I roll my eyes and ignore her request.

-Lucy: "What clothes were you talking about?"

-Virgo: "The sexually attractive clothes, princess." I start blushing the color of Erza's hair and bite down my lip. 'I totally forgot that I'm going to sleep with Natsu in this whole process' I look at her with wide eyes.

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