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You would never know, until you try.
You can't stop hiding forever.
You need to learn, the rules of this world

"When the fun will began~" Y/N hissed as she waited on that high building. "Be patient, Y/N chan." said her ghoul friend. The night was clear and cold, like Y/N always loved. Full Moon illuminates everything, there's no need for lights. How someone as beautiful as Y/N can be a ghoul? Hunting in the middle of the night was one of her hobbies. She never really liked the eating and being ghoul stuff, but she liked the power of her. "I'm going to see what happens there" She said as she jumped of that building.
She put on her mask – Cat mask. It was white and red one.
She really liked her mask, and she even put it every day. She doesn't like people liking her because of her face.
That evening she wore a pink sweater with black shorts and black boots. She put her head on the hood and walked quietly.
Two. There were two of them. One was with a rabbit mask and one with an eye packed mask. They attack the police.
She giggled to herself, wondering if that eye packed is that one eyed ghoul that everybody were talking about.
Is he really strong?
Let's find out. She jumped in front of the two boys. Most of the policemen were dead, and the rest were dying.
"Who the hell is she?" The rabbit said.
The one eyed didn't say anything. Her favorite thing was seeing, each facial expression of surprise. Not for nothing she suffered in her childhood. Only the memories made her ... turn on.
In speed of Light, She kicked him in the stomach, flipping him several meters back. "What the..." said the rabbit but he was flipped over too by a fist. The one eyed rebounded and run into her, trying to fight her with his kagune.
"Too slow" she said as she pushed him with her elbow. The rabbit took out his kagune too, and started shooting.
"She too fast" says the one eyed as he sees that she still didn't hurt.
"Ayato and Kaneki!" they both turn around to see Eto.
"What are you both fooling here? I gave you a simple task!" She yelled at them. When they turn around to see the cat masked, she was already gone.
"Ayato and Kaneki, huh? ~" Y/N said as she turn around to her friend, who was watching all the time.
"Let's go, I'm starving" said Y/N as she took her friend's hand.

He was lying in bed and wondering. 'Who's that bitch' – he thought. A girl,a fucking girl beat his ass! Tch, he just wasn't ready, he thought. Kaneki was drinking peacefully his coffee, doesn't he think about what happened? Yes, he did. He didn't want to fight her if he had another chance.Not as Ayato. Ayato will get his revenge. "I'm going to hunt" said Ayato as he walked out of the room. The air outside was a bit dry. A sweet smell hit him when the wind blows. He went after the smell. He reached the end of one street, apparently isolated from the rest. His eyes were wide opened when he saw that cat masked. She was sitting next to a dead bleeding body. However, not a single drop of blood touched her. 

"You!" Ayato yelled, causing her to back up a bit. "What's wrong with you? I almost head a heart attack!" She yelled in respond."I want him" Said Ayato, looking at the dead man. "Oh, sorry, it's for my friend so I can't let you" she said, smiling under her mask. "Like I care" He hissed. He took his kagune out as he started to fight. His eyes turn into a black and red shade. "Mmm sorry, I'm not in the mood for fighting" She said. She was really waiting for her friend. Until now he didn't could hit her, even not once. It's really was annoying him. Maybe she should just take the body to her house.But she would get catch, isn't it? Going on the streets of Tokyo with a bleeding body in the middle of the night is not her best idea.

 Just when she was in the middle of her thoughts, Ayato hit her in her shoulder with his kagune. He looked proud of his results. If he could only see her face under the mask...Such a funny, shocked expression. "So you wanna fight? All right" she said, getting ready to hit the fuck out of him. He looked very pleased. She hit him with a kick. He back up a little. Then he tried to hit her with his kagune again, but she just kicked it to, making it break a little. "Baka!" he yelled as he got really pissed off. They fight until they got really tired. His eyes chanced into they usual dark blue color. "You are strong" Said the cat masked girl. "Tch, I know!" he said, he really find this conversation annoying as he wasn't able to win the fight. "You need to learn to control your power" She said. "Wouldn't you just shut up, kitty?" He said. The blush under the mask just burn. "Where are you going?!" he yelled at her. "You can have him" she whispered, enough for making him to hear. He said something, but she was already far away.

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