My hero.

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Humans are a really strange creatures, they won't pay to you attention until they need something from you. They will lie to your face, thinking you will actually believe them. They being mean and think that they deserve a good behave.
"Kiki, do you think humans can be nice?" Y/N asked her friend. "Well some of them can be, others can't, it's really deepened on they personality" She answered.
Another boring week passed by. Nothing really changed. Y/N was wondering about Ayato, while he was thinking about the food that she gave to him.
He was so...right. That man. His taste was really sweet, but not too much. He had a really good scent. How can a ghoul peek such a right man? When Ayato was Hungry, he eats everything that he sees.
"So we have to get the girl that her name is Yuri" Said Tatara.
"Kaneki and Ayato, go after her. She is being cached by some CCG. You only need to get her out, not doing a big war." He continued. However, It was hard not starting a big fight with CCG. After all, Ayato hates them too much.
Y/N was in the middle of her hunting.
"Kiki, I smell something nice" Said Y/N. The two then went after Y/N's nose. "Mmm, the park" She smiled.
Perfect place. In this time of the night, nobody was out.
A couple was walking.
"The girl" Y/N said. "May be we should kill them both?" Asked Kiki. "I don't want to kill him. Only her" Y/N said. She didn't want to kill something she wouldn't eat.
"Do you want me to do this?" Asked her friend.
"Well if you don't mind" Said Y/N.
The two walked to the couple.
While Kiki cached the girl Y/N kicked the man in his head, making him pass out but not killed. "Relax, we didn't kill him" said Y/N, watching the girls eyes watered.
"Kiki, kill her now, I wanna eat without screaming" Y/N said.
With only one move, Kiki twisted her head, making her neck break and the girl die. Eating her was a really good meal, she was pretty fat, and her blood was really warm. Suddenly the two heard some gun shots.
The two went to look at the CCG fight the two guys, she meet a week ago. "How stupid" Y/N sigh.
"What are you doing?" Asked Kiki when she saw her friend going too far.
"They will die, I want to help. Don't wait for me to come, go to papa's office and tell him I'm dead or something" Y/N smiled as Kiki nodded. They might never meet up again, so Y/N decided to show her face. She jumped in front of the lying boys, who were really injured. She was without the mask, showing her pretty E/C and H/C.
Her face was really beautiful. She smiled and put back the mask. The CCG stopped shooting. She saw a tall guy and a little girl walking to the boys. She guessed its friends of them.
However, she can be still alive, if she doesn't attack too much.
Facing now the CCG people, she only let out a strong hit, which only made the people fall down. She didn't attack anymore. The people took her. When she woke up, she was tied to a chair when her hands tied behind her and her legs tied too. She didn't have the mask any more.
She looked up to see herself.
"Double-sided mirror?" she asked herself.
"Good guess" she heard in front of her.
"You can come in, I won't attack" She smiled.
"Are you a ghoul?" She heard them.
"Well, yes" She said, still smiling.
"Why did you attack?"
"I didn't"
"Well, why you showed up?"
"Because I wanted to~" she giggled.
"What is your name?" They asked her.
"Yun" she lied, knowing giving her name wouldn't be a good idea.
Meanwhile, Ayato and Kaneki were scrolled by Tatara and Eto.
Ayato only wondered why she saved them. He thought she hated him. Eto asked who was that girl and Kaneki explained. Eto almost died laughing hearing that two guys were beat up by a random ghoul girl. "Should we save her?" Asked Ayato.
"Why?" asked Eto. "Well she did help us, shouldn't we save her?" "Only a fool would save her"
Ayato never really cared about ghouls, but he did want to save her. The will Torture her, not giving her anything to eat, and maybe even do things to her.
She felt really weak. She wasn't able to even open her eyes. It's been a week and a half. There's no point of running away. There's no point of living. After all, she did was she has told to do, and saving the boys could really make her troubles.
Loud sound made her wake up from her dreams.
The door opened. It was him.
Only a fool would save me. And yea, he was a fool.
He realis her and took her close to him.
"A-ayato... the papers...burn them..." She said, closing her eyes. She was too weak to talk. He did as he was told to and took her with him. He convinced all the members to come to help, and even Tatara allow him to attack.
"Why did you allow him?" Asked Eto sitting on the edge and looking at the Happening. "I think he started to feel things" He simply answered.

Y/N wasn't able to open her eyes, but she did feel him. He holds her tight. He smelled good. He was talking but she didn't hear him. She heard his heartbeats. Boom.Boom.Boom.Such a perfect rhythm. Hearing it, you maybe think that the person is alive.Y/N knew it wasn't true. She knows that hearing the rhythm mean's only that your body still work, but it doesn't mean you are living or alive. She still wondered why she wants to be a little bit longer in his hands after he put her on the bed.

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