you're so delusional

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"Wake up" A husky voice called from the end of the room. As a respond, y/n only put the pillow on her head. "Y/n" he yelled, trying to wake his girlfriend. After the last night, she was really tired. "Shut up~" she murmured as she threw the pillow at him. "Baka! Wake up or I will kick your ass!" he yelled. She sigh as she opened her eyes, trying to see what was in front of her.
"Well it's about fucking time" He snapped, "Get ready for your mission". She rub her eyes and yawn, sitting on bed and looking at him. The way y/n looked made Ayato blush a bit; her hair was massy and her face was still sleepy. Her naked body under the blanket, covering her privet parts of her body. "What is that look for?" she asked as she got up, heading to the bathroom. "Just shut up" he blushed.

The weather looks depressed; Gray clouds and cool breeze. She walked on the sidewalk, people will look at people, wondering why they are in a harry. Her hands in her pockets, keeping them warm. Kaneki despaired one day, not telling anything to anyone. The cool breeze hit her face, causing her hair to blow a bit.
Sniffing the fresh, she could feel how the Wind direction changed.
Huh, why she here again? She wants to be with Ayato now, not searching for the P.O.P. A group of ghouls abducted a ghoul girl.
The girl is related to Eto somehow.

"I'm home~!" y/n sang loudly when she opened the door. No answer. "Ayato~?" she sang, Hearing only silence. She walked down the hall, examining every room but no luck.
Did he go out or something?
y/n changed to a big T shirt and shorts. How come he didn't tell her that he went? And where is he?
Burning thoughts ran in her head, until she decided to call him. He doesn't like when she calls him, because he wants to receive only important calls. Well, this is important, isn't it?
"Ayato?" she asked.
No answer.
"Can you hear me?"
No answer.
What the...

Well, maybe he went to a mission. She lay down on the bed and closed her Eyes. "Please be ok..." she whispered as she rolled to her side of the bed. Suddenly Strong door slam was heard. Her heart jumped a bit, but she knew it was him. He's always doing things like that. To say the truth, She was disappointed and angry with at him. Making her worry like that, how could he!
Without saying a work he passed by. After few minutes he came back and got under the blanket as well, still not talking. He looked so angry and pissed off, but y/n didn't seem to care at all. She was angry too. He was a little surprised that she didn't said anything to him yet, And got even more pissed off. "Oi- don't you gonna ask me something?" he said with his low voice. She didn't answer. "Oi!" he raised his voice. "As if I care" She threw a tiny whisper, making him go even angrier. "You stupid bitch, call herself my girlfriend" he hissed, making her angry. "You the Idiot here!" she yelled as he got up too. "Don't you wanna know why I am pissed off?!" he yelled back. She did not like to argue with him, but the way he talked and act made her go crazy. "Where have you been! I was waiting for you for 4 hours and you didn't answer the phone as well!" she yelled at him. "Well maybe be if you would ask me I would tell you but instant you decided to give me a silent treatment." He said angrily. She clenched her fists and yelled back - "You don't answer me for 4 hours and then pass by not saying anything!".

She was worried about him. She was afraid he was dead or in trouble so she was Frightened.
"I have my own reasons for not answering you!" he said, getting closer. "I don't care!" she yelled as he grab her hand and squeeze it. It hurts. He made the bracelet she was wearing to get into her skin and made her bleed. "Fine! So next time Tarata would want you to go on the Dangerous mission alone, I will let him!" He screamed into her face. "S-Stop, get off!" she yelled but it only made him squeeze harder "I was trying to save you! And you act like a dumb bitch!" he yell. "I'T HURTS!!!" she screams as she kicked him with tears in her eyes, running out of the house.

She knew he would run after her, so she turn to the roof of the houses. Sitting on one big building she just was tired.
She was tired of seeing him like this.
She was tired of getting hurt.
She was tired of her sister.
She was tired of her own thoughts.
She was tired of being worried.
She was tired of fighting.
She was tired of breathing and living.
But most of all, she was tired of being tired.

"Y/n?" she head familiar voice. "What are you doing here?" he asked. Yes, it was Kaneki. She haled her hand deep to her chest as she cried out Ayato's name.
"Did he make this?" he asked as he watched her bleeding hand. She nodded, unable to speak.
He was about to stroke her head as he fly a few meters away. It was Ayato.

y/n p.o.v


I don't want to do this anymore, it hurts. I care about him a lot, and this is why I acted like this. I didn't need to run. I didn't need to hide. I didn't need to say all the things I thought. He was trying to protect me, and it's not his fault for acting like that, he just got pissed off and he wanted attention.He wanted me to hug him and play with his hair, saying how much I love him and care about him, asking him if everything is alright. And just then, maybe, I would say that I was worried and that I hope he wouldn't do it again. I was acting stupid. I need to do something.


third p.o.v

y/n woke up from her thought and run towards Ayato, stooping him from hitting. "Please,stop it, for me" she begged.
He was really angry and he wanted to kick the fuck out of Kaneki, but seeing the girl he love bleeding and crying made him stop and calm down. He hugged her and took her bride style to their house.
After he made a bath for her they both went to sleep. She was sitting in front of him, her legs to her chest. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he took her hand,and plant a kiss on it. "Me too... I just was worried..." she whispered. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I need you to be safe" he whispered in her ear,and made her shiver. "I'm going to make it for you" he said as he started tokiss her neck, looking at her blushing face and smirking.

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