Numbing the senses

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I was inspired by the song "Little game"

It was hard not to lose  sanity with him.

Waking up to the sound of screams she  opened her eyes. "What the..." she whispered as she rubs her eyes. Covering herself with the blanket and pushing the pillow under her hand, she closed her eyes, wanting to fall asleep again. Wait. Opening her eyes she saw Ayato wasn't next to her. Where is he?
He walked angrily to the door and slam it. Oh, What a good morning. "What the fuck happened?" you asked him with a husky voice, looking at him. "Eto watched us yesterday" He replay. Feeling her cheeks become a dark red shape she covered her body more tight. He giggled at Y/N's reaction and lay down next to her. He was shirtless. "How do you feel after last night~" he asked as he put a finger under her chin, making her looked at him.
"Not bad..." She teased him, rolling her eyes. "Are you trying to fucking Teased me?" he asked with a playful voice.
Only smiling she got up, and walked to his bathroom. she were completely naked, which made Ayato bit his lip.
Turning the water to warm she  started washing yourself. Suddenly she felt two hands touching her from behind. "How troublesome" she laugh as she turn around to him and put her hands on his neck. He kissed her and move his hands to her naked butt, making her moan. 


Going to a mission with Noro was very... challenging.

Ayato didn't want her to go alone with him, but it's not like she care. Going into an old school, searching for something. Noro told her that you two need to go into different ways. This creepy school wasn't something you would want to be in. "Welcome- to the lend of the broken minds~~~~~" she heard something behind her. She turn around to see a little boy wearing a black mask looking at her with a big smile. "What do you want?" She asked him, backing off.
"Don't you think it's funny they tell us how to live?" He asked before stubbing her in the stomach. "Fuck!" she yelled as she kicked him in the face. The mask broke into two pisses, showing that boy's face. 

Her eyes filled with sorrow and fear. That was the boy she ate when she was young. She fell to the floor shaking and frozen. "Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?" – "Y/N, don't let him in" She heard Noro's voice. He wasn't a little kid or a ghost; it was a demon, little one.
He was trying to drive her insane, kill her inside. Lying on the floor and holding her head, hearing the voices of raven and dad.
Her Nail penetrates deeper into the ground, screaming she got up.
. The demon attacks her again, putting a knight into her stomach. She took out the knight and throws it the other corner of the room. They can't hurt me anymore, there's nothing left to break of me.
Nor take from me.

When the two of them arrive, all the members waited for them. "What took you so long?" Asked Eto.
"We meet a demon" Noro said as he walked away.
"A demon? How come?" Asked eto as she got closer.
"I don't know" Y/N rolled her eyes and walked away. "Oi, wait" she heard Ayato's voice. Tch, like I care. He grab her hand and yelled "Don't fucking ignore me!" "What do you need? I'm really tired" she said. "Tell me everything" he ordered as the two got to her room.
Ayato sat on the bed and Y/N changed her clothes. After she done she sat next to him and put her head on his shoulder. "The demon attack me, and tried to get in my mind, I killed him" She said.
Lying on the bed she also said "Don't worry about me, you can go sleep now" she said and closed her eyes. "Like hell I would" he whispered into her ear, making her shiver. She opened one eye and saw him smirking. He kissed her lips and hold her tight.
"Next time somebody will try to do something to you, I will kill him" he said as he smirked, kissing her cheeks. "Oh, really? Do you think you're strong enough for protecting me?" she asked him, playful.
"Oh yea I fucking am" he answered, as he kissed her neck and suck a spot there. "I love~ha" she moan as he touched her place. "Sorry, you what?" He smirked as he kissed her. "Baka." She breathe out and hugged him.

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