~ Time ~

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"Come here kitty" Said Ayato.
I walked over to him; he was sitting on the couch. I sat on his lap, and played with his hair. He closed his eyes and whispered "I just need to know you are safe" and patted me.
I smiled a little smile to his words. Sometimes he can be a really cute boyfriend.
I felt like was about to sleep when he touched my cheek and said "Don't fall asleep, we need to get up soon".
Today we were supposed to go hunting; But Eto said that we need to wait until 6p.m because of something with the CCG.
I sigh as I got more comfy, I put my head on his chest and with my fingers I draw little circles.

After we caught the man and killed the man, I took a bit from his shoulder. His meat was so hot and sweet.
"You look so sexy" said Ayato and chuckled. I was sitting on top of that man, and blood was on my lips. He came closer and kissed me, licking my lips softly. After we both done with the dinner we went back home, getting ready to go to a mission. "Ayato, How much time we have left?" I asked him when I got out of the shower, my body was warped only with a towel.

He looked at me and smirk. He caught my hands and held them above my head.
"Enough time" he said before he kissed me, and then sucked my neck, leaving a little red marks.
"Ayato...not now..." I moan when my towel dropped to the floor and he touched my nipples. He put one in his mouth and sucked it, making me moan again. With the other hand he reached my womanhood, and started rubbing against it.
Sudnnly he put his fingers into me, making me moan. I felt myself getting more and more wet. I closed my eyes but he said angrily "Watch me pleaser you".
I moan again when I felt his fingers touching that spot that made me silver. I came when he kissed me. I moan into the kiss, making him smirk. After he took out his fingers he touched my sensitive clit, making me blush and shiver again.

He played with it before kissing it and sucking, making a lot of pleaser come to me again, but this time much stronger. I was moaning loudly, my clit was very sensitive. When I came again, he licked that entire place, leaving me breathing hard and sweaty as hell.
"We have only ten minutes, so go get ready"

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