You can dominate the game (lemon)

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Warning: Lemon part (Including sexual) 

Standing at the roof of the Aogiri Tree, Y/n was viewing at the light of Tokyo.




Fresh and cool air hit my face. I love to see these little lights. The city looks like the stars in the sky. Ooohhh how I love this place.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Oi, what are you doing here?" I heard a husky voice. "Just chilling" I mumbled. I felt two warm arms Surround me. He put his head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear "Bakaa~~". I smiled a little bit. I love being around him, and I hope he feel the same. I don't want him playing with me, like I a toy for his plays. "Mm? what are you thinking about?" asked Ayato, whispering into my ear, making some shiver run my body. He kissed my ear, and move to my neck. His hands under my shirt now. "Ayato~" I moan his name. he smirked against my skin. I was so turn on now, wanting him kissing me again. "You want me, don't you?" He asked me, knowing the answer. He kissed me deeply, moving his tongue in my mouth. This is such a strange feeling,

But I really enjoy it.

Moving his hands to my chest and touching it, gently.

"Fuck" he whispered to himself as he stopped.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't stop myself. I want you" He said.

I gently touched his cheek, making him blush a bit. I was ready, I want him. "It's fine...we can move on..."

Fast enough, I found myself on his bed, when he on top of me, kissing me none stop. I sat down, and started undoing my shirt, getting ready for what comes next. "Baka~~ you will just rest, I will do everything". I felt uncomfortable with the fact that he will see me. "I-I can do this on my own" I said as I removed my shirt.

He kissed the nape of my neck, making me moan a little.

Without warning he just opened my bra, and let it fall. Holding my chest I turn around to him, embarrassed as hell. It's not like I didn't want it, I just was afraid of him learning my body, and seeing the places I never showed. I did this before, but not with the one I love.

My face looked down, not daring to look at him. Red like a fucking tomato. "Oi, don't be ashamed. I want to see you" he said as he touch my hands. Swallowing and closing my eyes, I let him take off my hands. "Look at me Y/N" he whispered, I raise my head and look at him. He kissed me again, laying me on bed. Slowly he removed my pants and my panties. The touch of his fingers, pulling it off, made me bit my lip. When I was all naked, he smirk, looking at me. Feeling the embarrassed again, I looked away and said "Don't...don't look at me... like that" I barely can breathe.

"I love you" he says before kissing me deeply. Did he just said that?! He make it much more embarrassing, if it's possible. He kissed my neck, and licked it. "Ha..." I moan, for the touch of his tongue. Moving to my left boob, he licked it in little circles. I bit my right hand, and with the other I held tight to the sheet.

"How does this feel?" he asked.

"No...huh...I...ha..." I said. I felt how sweaty I was, I was so hot.

"And that?" he asks as he started sucking it, making me moan. No, all this feelings together, just driving me crazy. He touches the places that I don't let anyone to touch. He watches the expressions I never show.

Moving slowly and kissing my stomach, he reached to most sensitive point. So uncomfortable, I close my legs hard.

"Open your legs" he ordered. Feeling myself getting wet, just of his way of looking at me and wanting me to show him EVERYTHING, made it harder to open. "I'm not going to push" he said, looking at my eyes. My cheeks were res, and I was just a hot sweaty mess. Opening my legs, he smiles. "You look so sexy from this point, kitty" he said as he put his head between them. I couldn't see him anymore so I looked at the ceiling.

Suddenly I felt something rubbing me. "How does it feels" he asked. I didn't want to answer. It felt reallyyyy good.

"If you won't speak I will stop" he said. I relisted my hand

"Good! Haaa!" I moan loudly, making him laugh.

Suddenly I felt it inside me. It was a finger. Oh my god, the feeling that it gives me, just incredible. He looked up to see my face, I meat is eyes and immediately put my hands on my face. "Stop it, I want to see your face" he said angrily. My hands couched the sheets, as I moan his name. "Good little kitty, now, here's your reward" he said as he started to lick and eat me inside. He was inside me, licking my most sensitive place. "So wet, such a dirty kitten" He Teased. It made me blush even more to his touch. When I felt my stomach go crazy and my legs chilled, He pull out and removed his clothes. He looked me in the eyes, and then I felt it. His hands were on my legs, pushing them aside. He was inside.

"Fuck!" I moan loudly, my stomach felt chills. I felt he was sweaty to.

His messy blue hair and this glare in his eyes, made him look super-hot. One hand on his back, the other presses the pillow.

"Y/N~" he moan my name, when he got faster.

"Huu...haa...huh...ooh" I moan.

I felt my orgasm coming. "A-A-Aayto, this feeling I" "Me too, "he said. Suddenly I moan the loudest moan, and he was shocked. He found that spot. "Someone's spot is really deep" he said. "Good thing I can reach it" he whispered. My heartbeat was crazy and my breathing too. Hitting that spot several times, I got to my limit. "Ayatoo~~!" I moan as I felt myself exploded.

Moaning my name, he came after me. I become so sensitive.

He kissed my Clift and lick it. "Haaaaa, stoppp~" I begged, I can't take any more. I was so wet. He smiled and lay next to me.

"How do you feel?" he asked as he pull on us the blanket. I put my head on his chest and whispered "You are the best".

To the sound of his heart, I fell asleep.

"Good night" he kissed my head.

"I love you".  

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