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They can't hurt me anymore. There's nothing left of me.
Ayato noticed that Y/N wasn't coming back yet. Angrily he got up, to find her. Without any luck, he couldn't find her. Could it be that someone kidnaps her? Now way, she's strong one.
Maybe she is cheating on him! But, it couldn't be, she's not that type of girl.
Ayato's eyes widen at the look of his Y/N lying on the floor covered only blood, and a girl standing next to her.
"Oi, Y/N!" Said Ayato as he took her. Her heart beating slowly, fighting for every beat. "Who are you!" he scream at the girl, who were giggling. "She didn't told you about me? What a shame" She said, sigh. "What the fuck do you need from her!" He yelled, his eyes turn black and red and his Kagune went out.
"I'm Raven, her big onii chan~ She lied about being death, so I needed to do something about it" She smiled.
Ayato was really confused. y/n is really strong, how could she get hurt so badly, and her sister don't?
"Huhh? You wonder about me hurting her? Well, didn't she told you??" Asked Raven.
"Told me what"
"About the disorder"


Sitting next to the fighting body wasn't easy.
She wanted to live, hearing Ayato's voice, calling her to open her eye's, gave her Satisfactory to try to survive. Slowly opening her eyes, she found Ayato sitting next to her, wondering about something. "Ayato~" she smiled, trying to come back to herself.
"Oi, don't move too much, how are you?" he asks. "Fine~" she murmured to herself. "Y/N... tell me about the disorder" He ordered her. Her eyes opened wide when she heard his order.
"What are you talking about?" she asked him. "Don't play fool, you know what about" He said. 'Telling about her father rape her she could but about a disorder she can't?'
She sigh and got up.
She took off her shirt. "What the hell I told you to-" he was cut by the view of her back. Looking at the two, big and deep scars that was on her rinkaku kagune used to be.
"My father was really pissed off, so he took out his anger on me. I couldn't use them after it happened" She explained. She was really ashamed that she lost them. Ayato touched one of her scars, making her silver. Yes, he could feel the deepness of this scar. How much pain, can a little girl like her take?
"But it's fine, I'm doing great now!" she cheered up. A warm pair of lips touched her scar. The warm lips and the cold skin, made the contact to be sensitive. He kissed the two of them.
"It's fine, you don't need to feel sorry for me" she said, feeling her tears come down to her chin. When Ayato done kissing her scars he moved to the nape of her neck. He found the spot that made her feel weakness and focus on it.
'What is he doing? Doesn't he said that I am nothing to him?' She thought and closed her eyes. "That's driving me crazy" he said as he took a sniff of her neck. He wiped the tears as he gently pecked the lips. The smile now was broken. How can he! Doing those things, and thinking that she wouldn't fall for him!
She started crying and covered her face with her hands. Ayato took her hands, and looked into her eyes, making her melt. "Stop doing that, you don't care, do you?!" she said with and glare in her eyes, tears still coming out. Why is she crying so much lately? She never cried like this before. "My my, stop being such a cry baby. I don't like to see my girlfriend cry" He suddenly said and got up. Those words, made her tears to stop coming out. She surprised by his words. Did he just say girlfriend?
"Come on, get your ass ready and we will go somewhere kitty" He said as he went out the room, living her eyes wide open and her heart racing.

Is it a date? Well, probably... he wouldn't admit that. Sitting on the edge of the highest building in Tokyo, she watched the city sparkle. The night was cold, so she wore jeans with an F/C T-shirt and a black jacket .She was holding her hands close to her mouth, trying to keep her warm. He was standing right behind her, looking at how she beautiful. The light of the moon, hitting her H/C, made it shine.
She got up and walked over to him. He was lying against the wall.
"Thank you for bringing me here, it was really fun" she whispered and said "Let's go back now".

The first days of the relationship were a little uncomfortable and embarrassing. Looking at him when you doing something, and see how he watches you, smirk on his face and hands in his pockets, he were really proud of having Y/N as his girlfriend. 

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