Thinking out loud

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Heavily breathing, she hit the floor. Why is this happening?
Oh, right. Because she was different. "How do you feel?" Asked the man in the white coat, smiling. " me" she begged him. "Come on, get up" he said say he pull her up.
"You know, you really look like your sister that way" He said giggling, "I should fix this". Trying to run away but failed, the father called monster cuts her hair. Her H/C was now such empty. What's happening? She feels it again. "Help, help!" she yelled and the tears came down her face. Her father tried to turn her to a ghoul. That's what he did with his daughter too. She feels that pain again, it won't leave her. It's burns. Its hurts. After some time in the "playing room", the girl walked out, barely breathing and bleeding out. Her eyes black and red. Why can't she breathe? Is it because the fear or because the thing that he put in her mouth, making her throw up several times. That thing was entered her too. Her sister took her to a bath and washed her. "Its fine, really, he does it every time when he angry, he did this to me too" she smiled.
They played until he came again, taking her by her hand and hitting her with a long, sharp thing. Then he pulled out a gun.
"A ghoul can't die easily, let's see how much does it takes to take you down"
one shoot. She can't breathe. It's sharp. Two. It's burn. She's bleeding. Three. She throws out blood. Four. Five. six. Seve... why did he stop. "Daddy, mommy calling" said the daughter. "Why are you bleeding?" she asked when the father walked out. She can't talk. She only smiled.

"How do you feel?" asked Ayato the girl who was sitting now.
"Better after the food, thank you" she said and smiled.
"Why did you help us?" asked Ayato.
"Well, I find you really strong ghoul, I didn't want you to die"
He didn't expect for that answer. Tch was all he said and he got out of the room. Why is she being so nice to him after he wanted to kill her? It wasn't the first person that wanted to kill her and she doesn't mind.
She got up and took another piece of that human's body. It was really disgusting, but it's all that she could have for now.
After some time Kaneki come to visit Y/N.
"How are you?" he asked and she only nodded. He gave her a book and asked her if she liked to read. She smiled and nodded again. He told her where she is, and what she is about to do. He got her name and went out. After reading a half of the book a really noise voice came from the other room.
The door opened and Ayato come in.
"Why that trash knows your name before I do!"
He yells. "Well, you didn't ask" She simply replays, not taking her eyes of the book. He took the book and throws it away. Not saying a word she only glared. "What is that look for, kitty?" he asks as he put his hand under her chin, making her to look into his eyes. He kisses her lips and says "You are mine". After being a toy for her adopted father, she didn't like it at all. She thought twice before nodding. After all, he saved her. He smirks and walks away.
After meeting All the Aogiri Tree members, she says to ayato that she needs a new mask, because her was left in the CCG.
"You are not going alone, and I don't have time for that" he says, making her a bit pissed off. "I need to hunt and to eat, I need the mask" she says. "Well, I will hunt for you" , "you don't choose the right food" she says. "What did you-!" he said angrily, holding back his fists. He doing her a fever and she says things like that?! "I will go with you" said Kaneki in the end. "What?!" asked Ayato, even more angry.
"Well I have time" he said.
"Okay, so Kaneki goes with Y/N chan~" said eto as she giggled.
"No, but-"Ayato says but Tatara cuts him "Ayato, we need to go". Ayato only sent Y/N an irate look and goes after Tatara, putting his hands in his pockets. Y/N and Kaneki had a good time, going to Uta, and drinking coffee. Her new mask was the same as the old one was, but instead of white and red there was dark grey and blue. Smiling, she gets to her room, where Ayato was waiting for her. "You~~!" he angrily said, coming to her way. "Look Ayato chan, isn't it cute~?" asked Y/N showing her new mask. I really was cute. Looking at her smiling face, Ayato calm down a bit, and nodded "Whatever" he said.
Sitting on the bed, Ayato tells to Y/N to come to him. She sat on his lap, asking him what he wants. As a replay he kisses her gently. She understands than he really needs her attention. Kissing him back, the gently kiss turn into a willed one.
Pulling away he asking her if she a virgin. She shook her head as no. It really pissed him off, he wasn't expect for this kind of answer. "Who was it?" he says, grumpy. "My adopted father" she simply replays, making his eyes go wide open. She tells him all her story, still sitting on his lap. As an answer, he only hugged her, not saying a word.
Hugging was something only her sister would do, so she was a bit shocked. After hugging him back, she started to feel how her tears, began to flew. She never really cared about her past, and she never cried because of that before.
"Oi, why are you crying!" he asked her, a bit shocked.
"Nobody ever hug me" She replays. He stopped hugging her and a blush was on his face. He wasn't really paying attention on what he was doing. He just felt it was right.
How can she smile now? She felt pain. It was a reflex, smiling when you feel the pain. Looking at the confused look of Ayato, she said "It's easy to fake a smile, when you have been doing this for a while".

These words didn't leave his mind. Even after some days passed, he still was thinking about her. Seeing her smiling with Kaneki and not with him, pissed him off, and he would spend a lot of time with her.
She wanted to learn about him more.
Seeing someone with so much emotion inside, caused her to wonder a lot. "We are going to hunt" said Ayato before, closing the door. Eto only looked at Tatara, and Tatara was with a pleased look on his face.

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