Sarcasm is booming

815 18 3

y/n p.o.v

Don't get mad.
Don't get mad.
Don't get mad.
How can I let MY boyfriend be with her? A young girl with short straight brown hair, big brown eyes and an adorable smile. It's just doesn't fair. Eto hate's me or something? Is she trying to get me mad?
"y/n, stop it" I heard Ayato's whispering. I looked at him with a confused look. "Stop glare at her" he said angrily. I looked at that girl again, and smiled to her. "What is your name again?" I asked nicely. "H- Hinami" She whispered.
"I'm y/n, and this is Ayato, he will be your partner" I smiled at her, trying to give her the warmest look.
"N-N-nice to meet you! Thank you for saving me!" she screamed a little and I rub my head. "My my, don't worry about that" I smiled again, feeling myself faking too much.
I don't understand why I can't be his partner. Why does she have to be his partner? I've lost myself for a bit.

"You scared the shit out of her" He hissed as we got back home. "What are you talking about?" I asked him. "Don't play innocent, y/n" he said as he went to make some coffee. "Do me a favor, I bet you were acting the same and even worse if I was working with a guy" I yelled the word "worse".
He knew I was right, so he just shut up.

Lucky for her, the first mission included the three of us and some other members. Standing at the top of one building, we waited for Eto's move so we can move on. Standing in front of the city, smelling the fresh morning air, made me forget all my worries about that girl. I felt a hot breath on my shoulder, as I heard Ayato whispering my name. "Soon~" I playfully said as I kissed his nose, making him blush a bit and look away. He wrapped his hands around me and put his chin on my head, closing his eyes and resting a bit. We watch the dawn silently, Standing there and enjoying the sound of nothing.
"She moved, we need to get in!" we both heard one of the member's voices. Within one hundredth of a second he already jumped from roof to roof, not waiting at all. All the people in the building were trapped now, ready for their dead to come. I could not believe this was the right way, But the problem is ; there was no way at all from the start.
Killing the people, killing even the ghouls in there, killing everything and everyone. A lot of blood was all over the place, as I watched Ayato licking the blood of his lips, and giving me one of his dirty looks. He knew how to turn me on and that thought made me smirk. I watched Hinami as she fight. It feels like she suffering from that, I can feel it. The look in her eyes, I can see it under the mask. Her eyes watered. As I try to help her, she didn't look at me, trying to cover it. As I run up to her, I whispered "it's fine" to her ear, and moved to kick the rest of the ghouls.

"Stop yelling baka" I yelled back at Ayato, which was yelling on Hinami. "I'm sorry..." she whispered with tears in her eyes. "Ugh whatever, next time, y/n won't be there, and you can't just stand and do nothing" He said, angrily. "Jeez Ayato calm down, she will get used to it" I said and put my hand on his cheek, trying to relax him. "Tch". "Shhh, calm down" I whispered in his ear, making him look away.
"I'm really s-sorry, You j-just look l-like your s-sister when you m-mad" she cried out and put her hands on her face. Ayato, who was still looking away, just sigh and said –"It's fine, don't cry". 

After that long and stupid day, he just sat on the couch with his legs open wide and his head resting back. "What a stupid little bitch~" he thought loud as he yawn loudly. "You should be nicer to her" I said, not thinking about it. "Huh? I thought you were against the idea from the start, why do you care?" – He said not opening his eyes. I walked to the kitchen and clean those dirty dishes. "Don't fucking ignore me" He said. I sigh as I said "I know but even if I hate it, there's nothing I can I have to deal with it" I said quietly.
As much as I hated that, I knew it would be the best just shut my mouth and let it flew. I don't want Ayato to get in trouble only because I'm jealous. When I ended doing the dishes I walked over to Ayato. He was really sleepy, and his face is just so cute. I walked closer to him and whispered in his ear – "Don't I get my little reward for dealing with it?". He smirk as he opened his eyes, looking at every move of my. I walked closer and sit on him, he is between my legs as I facing him. I can feel his member getting harder through his pants. He put his hands on my butt as he asked "And what my little kitty would like?~" in a teasing tone, making me melt. "I have an idea, a very bed and dirty idea" I whispered, turning him on as he kissed me deeply and roughly, his lips moving fast. I put one hand on his shoulder and with the other one brushed through his hair, making him shiver and moaning my name. He moved to my neck and whispered in my ear "Such a dirty little kitty" as he smirked against my sensitive skin. "Let's continue this up stairs".

"I'm s-sorry to bother you! Eto s-said that I should come!" Hinami said,her face red and her tone is panicked. "It's fine, don't worry" I smiled to her. It was not a pleasant situation right now. In 6 A.M, someone was Knocking on the door until Ayato woke up.–"Who the fuck is it?!" he yelled as he angrily wore his boxers. I heard alittle scream. I quickly wore his t shirt and run downstairs, looking at the red Hinami which was covering her face and annoyed Ayato, which was only with boxers.I told him to go and wear something on himself as I greeted Hinami with a big smile.


"It's fine" I smiled as we both sit down.
"I'm s-sorry to bother you! Eto s-said that I should come!" She said as I rub my head. That little bitch...
"It's fine' Don't worry! Sorry about Ayato being half naked" I smiled a little smile as she turn even more red, probably remembering his body. "Here" Ayato said as he handed her a cup of coffee. "T-Thank you" she smiled a little smile as she took it. "Well, I need to go now, See you later" Ayato grab his head a she took the keys and went out. I wanted to cuddle with him today...that's sucked...
"Well Hinami, how are you?" I said as she tasted the coffee.
"I wanted to apologize about yesterday" she said, not looking in the eyes."It's fine, I know that you are a soft hearted ghoul, so it's fine. I know you will get used to it" I said.
"To tell the truth...I wanted ask you something..." She blush a bit. I nodded and then she asked –"What is the relationship you and Ayato have?" she blushed now hard. "Well, he is my boyfriend, and we living together..." I told her. "Why do you ask?"-" Well, I just thought that maybe I can be a problem to I wanted you me" she smiled, still not looking. "Okay" I said as she raised her head in confuse. "W-What do you mean?" she asked. "I will trust you"I smiled to her, making her smile too. "We will be friends, okay?" I asked her.She looked so excited now, her eyes looked like little stars and her blush was tiny pink one. "Aye!" she said happily, making my heart warmer. She was afraid,and I know why. Ayato was the reason. He wasn't the friendliest type, and coming to a new place and meeting someone like him can be very hard. At list I can try to make her feel better...

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