Chapter 1

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Cheyenne P.O.V

I try not to blink at the flashing lights, I'm used to it, as I pose in the dress I'm modeling. I'm 22 now and modeling career usual end at 23 but I have boxing to fall back on. Yes I'm a model who boxes and that my job. It weird I know but who gives a fuck. I have blond hair and  dark blues eyes, I'm not very tall but i guess tall enough to be a model, I also have a really fit or good shape body people tell me because i work out, don't worry I'm not super buff, I also have pale skin with freckles. I live in London in an apartment with my dog, his name is Jay and his a boxer. 

"Okay." I hear the designer say "Let change her into the last outfit." 

I walk off and go to change into a bikini, while people touch up my hair and make up. 

"Ready?" He ask 

I nod. "Your doing great." The photographer says

When I'm done with the photo shoot, i go to gym to box on the way i grab a quick bite to eat at the deli, i walk on in and see that on the newspaper on the cover is One Direction. There a picture of them all together then on the it in smaller pictures and headlines says "Is Ed and his gf engaged?" I show a picture of Ed and his girl who happens to be one of best friends Marisol. It a picture of them walking holding hands and then it  zoomed in on her hand to show a ring. I smile, as her best friend I know the truth they did she called me on a 4 way call with our other 2 best friend to tell us the good news. Also on the cover is a picture of Niall and his wife my other best friend Monique "Niall talks about what his special gift was for his 3 year anniversary. Then there a picture of the other boys and there wife, like Perrie is pregnant with her second child, and Eleanor and Louis celebrate their oldest 7th birthday. Then the one that really hits home hard is the one about Harry "Harry Styles won't talk about his break up that happened a year ago, is he over her?" 

See me and Harry used to dated but it didn't work because his fans got crazy and he wanted to protect me. I always thought he got over me even if I'm over him.  And to day is the day we broke up with me a year okay, the article is to much i go out of the story with out my food and right to the gym. Sometime punching a bag or even a person really helps with stress. After the gym I stop bye the store to get a jar of nutella and a tube of ice cream. When I get home I sit on the couch with Jay putting a spoon in the nutella then in the ice cream. Fuck eating heathly it not a good day. Flipping through the channle it goes to an interview with one direction. I stop and stare and Harry he smiles and I can see his dimple. i remember when he smiled at me the way his green eye would shine, Eh stupid boys, I always loved the green eyes and curly hair. They ask him about his break up a year ago his smile is gone Liam start to defend Harry by saying that he should have to answer something that happened a year ago.  I remember happened the day me and harry broke up. 

Flash Back 

I was on twitter some girl hating again, Harry kissed my forehead and said not to worry about it. When we were sitting on the couch all snuggled up the phone rang, Harry answered it in his slow deep voice "Hello?" 

The voice at the other end said "Harry is ours." 

He looked confused "What the fuck." He said hanging up 

"Who was it?" I asked 

"I don't know some creepy fan probably." He says

I don't think to much about it but when we decided to go on a walk a little girl comes up and ask for a picture and autograph. Harry signs the picture she has of him . 

I see the camera she has and ask "Do you want me to take a picture?" 

He smile sweetly and nods then hands me the camera and I take their picture. Just when the little girl is wlaking back to her mom I hear some one yell. "Look it Harry Styles and that Bitch!" 

Harry hear the comment and is not happy about it you can tell by his face, he hates when people hate on me, I find it cute. 

But then the crazy bitch out of no where pulls out a gun and shoots it. A cop notices and tackles her down to the ground, Luckily the gun didn't hit anyone but it hit the tree in the spot next to my head. 

Harry looks scared he can tell I am too. He pulls me close and kisses me saying "That was so close." 

I can't answer but I'm shaking he has his arm around my waist all the way home, he look close to tears too. 

End of Flash Back 

I shiver to still think about it. 

Harry P.O.V

I just got done with the interview I really didn't want to do one on today of all day's but I had to. 

Louis comes up and pats my back "Hey mate are you okay?" he ask 

"Yeah fine." 

"They shouldn't have asked those question." He adds on 

"Yeah." It hard to talk about by relationship with Cheyenne I loved her, shit I still do but it over she had death threats and not once but TWICE someone tried to kill her in just a three day time period. 

"Well see ya mate." He say 

I think of all the boys they get to go home to girls they love some of them have familys and me well the girl I love is safe. I just have to keep telling my self that she safe and out of harms way. I hate to think that I can't hold her in my arms or kiss her lips or call her mine, or even love her (Yes that is sexual). I hate that some other guy has the chance to see her beauty and her greatness. Another man gets to hold her and kiss her and tell her how much she means to him and how much he loves her, like I used too. I remember our break up after someone tried to kill her for the second time. 

Flash Back 

Her face is sad she looks close to tears my hear is breaking just at the sight. 

"Sorry." i say "But i love you to much to let you get hurt." 

"But why it just hate all the other guys went through it we can get through this." She pleads 

She close to tears and know I start to cry "But their girl didn't get shot at are have someone try to strangle her." 

She crying now too, I wipe her tears away "i'm sorry but as long as your with me your not safe." 

She steps back "I understand." then with out another word she walks out of my house and leaves. 

I cry harder, my whole world just walked out that door.

End of Flash Back 

I'm crying now. I walk to my room take off my cloths and cry like i do every time I think about her. Which happens more then I'll like. 

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