Chapter 18

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Harry P.O.V 

I won't really get out of bed only for work other then that  I don't want to leave, Cheyenne has moved on she has a date with a guy. Some lucky bastard gets to see how great she is. I guess a part of me hoped that she still had feelings but obviously not. It doesn't help that my mind keeps bringing up old memories that I have with her. As a walk up the sitars to my sisters apartment to have a family breakfast, when i get in the elevator I remember how much Cheyenne hated them 

Flash Back 

We walk in the elevator on our way to her apartment she hates them so much and it she hates how she has to take this thing everyday, she usually just takes the stairs. The door close and it starts to move, Cheyenne hides in the corner her eyes getting big. 

I chuckle and walk over and hold her in my arms. "It's okay babe nothing bad is going to happen." 

She just nuzzles her self closers to me. 

"Love it's okay we are almost there." i kiss her forehead. 

She closed her eyes and the doors open. I pick her up bridal styles and carry her out. She laughs at this jester.

"It's okay now I killed that awful beast." I tell her jokingly.

"Oh my hero how can I ever repay you." She says playing along.

I chuckle "I kiss from a beautiful fair maiden will do." I say 

She leans her head up to kiss me. 

I smile.

End of Flash Back 

I know it sounds stupid and really cheesy but I miss those moments, I only wish i could go back to those times. The doors open and I check my reflection in the mirror to make sure I don't look like I was just crying, I smile and put on the happy face. 

Cheyenne P.O.V 

Turns out the ass face that ask for my number name is Jake, he not a bad guy really just a bad first impression he had after one to many drinks. Marisol hates him still and wants to punch him in the face. Monique say maybe he  could be okay. Sammy doesn't really think it's a good idea but everyone deserve a second Chance. 

"Cheyenne?" Monique's say waving her hand in front of my face taking me out of my thought. 

"What?" I ask confused

"We are here." Marisol say in the front with Ed, while me and Monique are in the back. 

We are going dress shopping, Ed is coming because they don't want to believe in tradition so his allowed to see the dress.

We go in to the shop and Marisol try on dress after dress. Monique's is the first to take a sit, Her due date is in 2 weeks and her stomach is huge. 

She jumps "What's wrong?" i ask 

"The baby is kicking." She says They don't know if it's a girl or boy they want it to be a surprise. 

We all rush over to feel her stomach you can feel little kicks, Ed looks over at Marisol and gives her this look that I've never seen before, while he smiles, she doesn't notice she to busy laughing about how she can feel that baby. 

Marisol goes to try on one more dress she walks out in this white sun dress with purple flowers that goes down to her knees. 

"That's the dress." Monique says 

"I think so too." I agree

We all turn to Ed he looks confused "I like all the dress, why does it even matter." He says 

"What a boy." i say 

Marisol giggles 

"You look beautiful in anything." Ed say to her causing her to blush. 

We buy the dress then on the way to the car Monique stops dead in her tracks. 

"What wrong?" Marisol ask 

"Why did you stop." I ask 

"Guys." She says with wide eyes. 

"What?" Ed ask 

"My water broke." 

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