Chapter 19

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Cheyenne P.O.V

Holy shit the baby is coming! 

"Okay come on let's get to the car and we'll drive to the hospital." Marisol says leading Monique to the car. 

Ed look terrified, poor guy. 

"Ed call Niall and tell him his baby coming. Cheyenne you drive." Marisol says.

We all get in the car me and ed in the front Monique and Marisol in the front. Ed dials Niall and they talk. 

"He wants you." Ed tell Monique handing her the phone 

"Hey.' She says

"Yeah I'm okay. Yes the baby's fine. Labor takes a while. Clam down. I'll meet you at the hospital. Okay love you too." She hands the phone back to Ed. 

We get to the hospital and check Monique in with in minutes she in her room. We are listening to the doctor talk. 

"I'll be back in an hour or so to see if you have dialated enough to start pushing." She say 

We all nod. She walks out and We all turn to look at Monique who side Niall won't leave. 

"How do you feel?" I ask 

"Okay only the contraction hurt but their not that close together." She answers 

Niall takes hold of her hand and kisses her cheek. 

"Did any one tell Sammy?" She ask 

"Yeah she on call though so she didn't answer." I say 

"Oh." Monique cringe in pain as another contraction comes, She squeezes Niall's hand it looks a little blue. 

"I heard what helps bring on labor is walking around." Marisol says

"Okay well I'm going to go get us all some food." Niall says "I'll be back soon." 

"And we will go on a quick walk." Marisol says 

Monique gets out of bed and we start walking. We pass some wheel chairs and I stop dead in my tracks. 

"What?" The other ask 

I give them a look the pull it front he side and tell Monique to sit. "I've always wanted to do this." i say

Me and Marisol start to push Monique down the hallways, We run and run Marisol telling me to be careful running behind me. 

We all come to a halt when we see a blond in scrubs. 

"Shit guys." I say "Sammy going to kill me for doing this." 

"What the hell is she doing." Marisol states. 

"I'm going to puke look at that guy." Monique says 

Sammy was working with a guy look about 17 with a pole stuck in his leg, she was ordering the nurses and telling people what to do. She seem unfazed by blood, it was a gory sight, the wheeled the guy back. Someone walked up to her. She look relived maybe it was lunch time for her, she took off her gloves and started walking when she spotted us. 

"Guys i was just going to go see Monique." She says 

"Surprise!" Monique says

"Why is she in a wheel chair?" Sammy ask 

"No reason." Marisol says 

Sammy gives us the mother look, you know the one that say don't lie I know what you were doing.

"Okay we were pushing Monique around." I confess. 

Sammy rolls her eyes. "Let's get some food." 

"Hey Sam." i say "What up with that kid and his leg." 

"That's is one long story, let just say do not give a stoned 17 year old a Pogo-stick."

"What the.." Monique says 

We go back to the room Niall has food for us, Sammy goes to get some food, and we all eat. 5 hours later Monique is ready to push. We all wait in the waiting area. All the boys show up with their wife's  too a waiting to see the baby. After about 30 minutes Niall walks out holding a baby wrapped in a pink blanket. We all gather around him. 

His smile could not get any bigger, there is a mix of pride and love in his eyes. "This is Carly." He says 

We all smile as we look at the little baby, her eyes our closed but she has dark brown cruly hair. 

After a while we walk back to see Monique. She looks tired but has the same look as Niall when she looks and Carly. 

Sammy takes a picture of the new family. While everyone is congratulated them and taking pictures. Harry stand next to me. 

"She beautiful." He says 

"She is I hope she has Niall eyes." i say 

He smile as he looks at the baby, his dimple making it appearance. 

"They look happy." He says 

"They are." I tell him. 

"I always knew they would have the cutest babies." i say after a moment of silence. 

"She is cute. So the wedding is coming up." He says 

"Yeah it is. i can't believe it, Marisol getting married and Monique has a baby." I say 

"I feel old now." He says causing us to laugh.

"Yeah i get it." i say 

There one question I want to ask but scared to. 

"Are you bringing a date to the wedding?" He ask 

"I don't know you?" i ask 

"I don't know." He say he looks emotionless. 

I go home and of course it all over the news that Niall Horan has had a baby girl. I see the fans love the baby saying how cute she is. I happy for Monique. Late that night I get a text from Jake. Turns out we are going on a date tomorrow. 

Harry P.O.V

I'm Happy for Niall and Monique, Carly has Monique hair and turns out when she opened her eyes she had Niall eyes. Niall was so excited that when he got the call, after they hung up he jumped over the table and sofa screaming "I'm gonna be a dad!" "The Baby! The baby is coming!" He hasn't stopped smiling all afternoon. I also talked to Cheyenne she said she didn't know if she was bringing a date, what does that mean? She doesn't know has she gone a date with that guy? just thinking about it makes me angry, I swear if that twat doesn't treat her right, he will never see the light of day again. I hope he realizes how lucky he is. 

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