Chapter 8

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Harry P.O.V

I wake up at noon with a huge head ach, then I run to the bath room and puke. It not a good idea to go drink away your problems and feelings also you feel like shit in the morning. I make my self a cup of black coffee and I drink about 4 glasses of water. I hate morning like this, I haven't had a hangover in a while. The last time i had one was with Cheyenne. 

Flash Back 

I had went out with the boys the night before and well we all got drunk and I woke up with a hangover. I hear someone walk open the door walk in then close it. It must be Cheyenne she told me she would stop by.

"Harry?" i hear Cheyenne call. 

I hear foot steps get closer to my room. When she opens the door she see me and smile then realize that i have a hangover. 

She laughs "I knew this would happen." 

I groan. SHe laughs again.

"I'll go get you some water and some greasy food." She says 

I throw the balnkets off and get up. 

"Maybe while I'm gone you'll put some cloths on." She says 

I manage a smile she knows better then anyone who I like to be naked. 

"You know you enjoy it." i say 

She rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. 

End of Flash Back 

I graon, my head hurts to much to think maybe a cold shower will help. When I get out of the shower I get a call it from Cheyenne. 

"Hello?" I answer 

"Harry it's me Cheyenne." She says sounding worried. 

"Hi um.. what's up." I say my head hurt to much to talk right now. 

"Go online and look up Harry Styles news." She says 

Why the hell does she want me to look up myself. 

"Why?" i ask 

"Just do it." Then she hangs up. 

I go online and sreach myslef up. The frist thing that pop up in big bold letter is. 'Harry and His Ex Back Together?"' next to it is a picture of CHeyenne and me yesterday when we talked about the kiss, it's her leaving my house. Well shit. 

Cheyenne P.O.V 

I walk into my favortie deli, they have the best sandwhiches. Harry showed me it. As I sit and eat my food I can't help but thing about my first time here. 

Flash Back 

Harry and I just started dating we just offical started calling ourslef a couple. He know my love for sandwhiches. 

"What is this place?" i ask as we walk through the door. There are balck chairs and tables. A red and white checker floor. 

"It the best deli in all of London." Harry says hold on the my hand walking us up to the counter. 

"We will have two number 3 specials." He says  

"And." then turns to me "What do you want to drink?" He ask 

"Um.... Strawberry and kewi tea." I answer 

"OKay one of those and I'll have an apple juice." He say with a smile. 

He pays then we take our sit when we get the food. He watches me take a bite. It is the best thing I have ever tasted. 

"I'm in love with this sand which!" I tell him. 

He smile and says "I knew you would."  kisses my cheek then dig in to his sandwhich. 

End of Flash Back 

Then I realize I'm sitting in the same spot me and Harry did. I open my laptop hoping it will hlep get my mind off things. I see on of the tops stories as of today is 'Harry and His Ex Back Together?  Holy shit. I don't know what to do. What did I used to do when this happened. I called Harry. 

i debated for a while with my phone in my hand then decide to call him. It rings for a while then he answer. 

"Hello?" i hear a slow deep voice say. 

"Harry it me Cheyenne." I say. I'm probaly more worried then I should be. 

"Hi. um.. What's up?" He ask 

"Go online and sreach up Harry styles new now." I know it werid telling him to look up himslef. 

"Why?" He ask. I guess he hasn't heard about it yet. 

"Just do it." i say the hang up. 

The hole way home I keep thing some crazy fan of Harry will get me. I'm crazy 

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