Chapter 10

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Cheyenne P.O.V 

The next morning I train then go to a photo shoots I love the dress I'm wearing now its long black with a slit on the side, with a gold necklace and some dangly earrings. And my hair and make up look perfect. 

"Take a break beautiful." the person taking the photo says. 

I nod then go to my bag and take out my water bottle. I see my phone light up and it start to vibrate. Then Harry smiling face pops up on the screen. Shit he is calling me, and yes I still have is number nothing wrong with that.

"Hello" i answer 

"Hey it Harry." A slow deep voice says. 

"Hey." I says 

"So I was thinking it would be cool to go to the beach." He says 

"Beaches are cool." I say 

"Yeah and we should hang out since we are friends." He continues. 

"Yeah so you want to hang out at the beach?" i ask knowing were this is going. 

I think he is smiling. "Yeah. is that fine?" He ask 

"Yeah why not I'm free later today." I state

"Great. Bye." He says then we hang up. 

I remember going to the beach wiht him one night for a date. 

Flash Back 

We are sitting on a blanket eating. The moon is full and it look amzaning, it's also a warm summer night. 

Harry reaches over and interwines our fingers. 

"You look beautiful." He whispers leaning over to me. 

I sure I'm blushing so good think it's dark. "Thanks." is all i say. I don't know how to respond when he say these sweet things to me. 

"I wish you could see what I see." He whispers kissing my neck. 

I blush again. 

"Your perfect." He whispers pulling me closer. 

I kiss his lips. 

"Why don't you see what I see." He says 

I turn to face him "Your just trying to get laid." i joke 

he shurgs. "Your beautiful and you don't know it." 

I laugh then he starts to sing. 

Your inscure don't know what for. 

You turning heads as you walk through the doooor.

"Harry shut up." i say pushing him 

don't need make up to cover up being the way that you are is enouuuughhh.

Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but yoooouuu." 

"Harry." I point a finger. 

Baby you light up my world like nobady else. 

The way taht you flip your hair gets me overwhlemed.

The way you smile at the ground it ani't hard to tell. 

You don't know, you don't know your Beautiful." 

I can't help but laugh. "Harry don't say thing that aren't true." 

He smiles "I only speak the truth love." He say then kisses me. 

End of Flash Back.

I start to cry. Then run to the bathroom. My co-workers must think I'm crazy. 

Harry P.O.V 

I smile like an idiot, she said yes she wants to hang out. I look in the mirror and point at my slef. 

"Now Harry." I say "It's just as friend don't get to excited." I look at myself like my mom use to when I got in trouble when I was five. 

I decide I should take a shower. In the shower a memory comes to me of me and Cheyenne. 

Flash Back 

We are at her house and I just woke up in the moornng to see a beautiful sleeping Cheyenne next to me. She wakes up and smile sleepily. I do the same. 

"Good Morning." She yawns. 

I smile again and kiss her "Morning." 

I put my arms around her and pull her closer to me. She giggles as I tickle her ribs 

"Harry. Stop" She whines I continue to tickle her then kiss her cheek. 

"How about some food." I say 

"I like food." She says 

I kiss her nose. " I like you." i say as we get out of bed to go eat. 

End of Flash Back

I don't even know why I remember it but morning like those I miss. I get out and see it time to go meet Cheyenne at the beach, I'll stop and get some sandwiches. 

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