Chapter 7

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Cheyenne P.O.V

I see Marisol and Monique sitting at a table at the cafe. They see me and wave. Monique is eating some cookies from a plate in the middle of the table while Marisol seem to have only had a half so far. 

"Hey." I say sitting down. 

"Hey." They both say with a mouth full of cookies. 

I laugh and grab one.

Monique slap my hand away "Mine." 

"Monique there is a full plate." I tell her 

"But I'm eating for two people now." She says 

"Your not even 2 months pregnant yet." Marisol tells her. 

"So." Monique says taking another bite of a cookie. 

I see Sammy walk from the counter with a cup of coffee, still wearing her scrubs. 

"Hey." i tell her. 

Monique wave while Marisol says hi. 

"Hey guys." She says. 

"Great so now that we are all here we can plan the wedding." Monique's say taking another cookie. 

"Isn't that like your 4th one." Marisol points out. 

Monique rolls her eyes and ignore the comment. "So what color are you going to have?" She ask 

"Um I don't want a big wedding me and Ed said we would do purple." Marisol answers

"Okay." Monique says 

"What else?" I ask 

"Well we want it to be small and keep it on the down low we don't want the paps finding out. Plus we want it on the beach." Marisol says 

"I like that idea." i say 

"Anything else?" Sammy ask 

" Oh and I don't want my dress to be like a wedding dress just a short sun dress, and I'm not wearing heels I want to wear converse." Marisol adds. 

"No you need a dress." Monique's says 

"But I don't want a dress." Marisol says 

After a while of them arguing  Sammy phone goes off. She looks at it then says. "Gotta go guys see you later." 

She get sup and does a weird run-walk. "Bye" We call after her. 

"What was that for?" Monique ask 

"Work." I say now that she's a doctor she been busy. 

"Oh yeah." Monique's says 'More cookies." She say showing us the empty plate. 

Later that day when I'm training alone, i think of when i did this and Harry would come and train with me. 

Flash Back 

Harry holds up his hands as a punch them. We work out in the gym at my arpartment.

"Good." He says "Keep going." 

I roll my eyes and use all the force I got to punch it again. 

"Okay sit up now." I tell him 

"Can we take a break first?" He ask 

I laugh then nod and go to get some water. As I take a sip from the bottle Harry comes up behind me and wraps his arm around my waist moving my hair away from my neck. 

I smile then tell him. "I'm stinky and all sweaty." 

"I don't care." He says 

I laugh "Harry it time to train." 

"Can't we just take a break." He says turning me to face him. 

I smile then touch his face. "I need to get ready for my fight." i say 

He smiles "You can train later." 

I roll my eyes. "What else would we do?" i ask 

He smile with a raised eye brown. Then he picks me up throw me over his shoulder. As we get into the elevator me still hanging over is shoulder. He says "I have and idea." 

End of Flash Back 

Wow I need to focus now that in the past I need to train. But it so hard to get him out of my head. 

Harry P.O.V

I sit at Ed house with him talking about his wedding.

"I can't believe it." I say 

"I know mate. he replies "I don't either but I love her." 

"Well so have you guys discussed the wedding?" i asked 

"Yeah we don't want a big one, we are going to have it at the beach." He answer  

"Wow well sound like your guy's type of wedding not formal." 

He nods "Yeah all casual plus she letting me wear one of hoodies." 

I smile Ed loves his hoodies. We talk for a while then Marisol comes back I decide to leave. I like Marisol just I Rather leave to two love birds alone. As I walk to my house I remember how me and Cheyenne used to act. Ed is protect of Marisol and would hate if any thing happened to her. I brings me back to my memory of Cheyenne and me. 

Flash Back 

It's the night after Cheyenne got shot the first time, I sit in my kitchen on a stool head in hands, silent tears rolling down my cheeks. I just can't sleep to worried about her. I made Cheyenne stay the night with me to scared to have out of my sight. 

"Harry." I hear her sweet voice say. 

I lift my head out of my hands and turn to look at her. She is wearing the boxer and shirt I gave her to sleep in and she still looks beautiful with her bed head. 

As soon as she see the tears she frowns and looks sad. "What's wrong?" She ask walking towards me. 

I wrap my arm around her and pull her in my lap. "I'm fine." 

She tilts my chin to look at her. "No your not you don't just cry alone at 2 in the morning." She says 

I try to smile but it doesn't  work. She warps her arms around my neck I hold on tight to her waist. 

After a while like this she says "It isn't your fault." 

I look up at her. She get off my lap and looks me straight in the eye. 

"Harry what happened today wasn't you fault." She says 

More tears come out as I hug her waist, my face in her stomach. 

"But it was it was a fan of my, If you weren't dating me it wouldn't have happened. What if she didn't miss you wouldv'e been shot." I say 

She strokes my hair "Harry it isn't you fault." 

I hold her closer. But it is. It is my fault. 

End of Flash Back 

I lye in bed now awake think maybe I could ask Cheyenne to go to Ed wedding with me or maybe she has moved o? Should I tell her I still have feelings? does she even feel the same way? Question run through my head, I even pick up my phone a couple time, dial her number and almost press call but then don't. I can't take this feeling any more. I put on a shirt grab my jacket and head to a pub. 

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