Chapter 3

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I'm back stage having a short Asian girl put the final touches for my make up. I see the designer walk up to me and smile 

"Gorgeous." he says 

I smile "Thank you." 

"The dress just turned out fabulous." He says 

I nod 

"Give it a twirl pretty lady." He ask 

I twirled around. The dress was a light pink with on strap and a slit on the side. It was floor length and the one strap had a flower on it. 

"Love it darling." He said usher me to go toward the stage. 

I look out at the crowd while I see the model before go out I wait til she get to the end of the run way and  then I go out. As soon as I walk down the cat walk the light of camera hit my face and blasting music fills my ears. I have to try really hard to keep a sexy face on and not trip, I tend to trip easily. As soon as I get off I have to go change then try on another outfit. 

After the show when I'm walking back to my apartment I get a call form Marisol. 

"Hello." i answer 

"Hey Cheyenne it's me Marisol." 

"I know." 

"Oh... well i was calling to tell you that we are having a big party for Monique and Niall to celebrate them having a baby, it's a surprise." 

"Okay cool like a baby shower." 

"Yeah but not because we are going to throw her one later on." 

"Sound cool." 

"Okay great i'll get back to you on the detail later but I need you to help set up." 

"Okay glad to when is it?"


"Okay wow what time." 

"Um well let see Monique says Niall is taking her out at 6 so they should be back at like 9 and we will be there so stop by at like 7 to help sit up." 

"Okay sound great I'll be there." 

Then we hang up. On the way home I start to think what if Harry going to be there. I haven't seen him in person in a year. Of course he will be there his one of Niall best friend. What the hell am I going to do! I start to freak out.I miss him a lot more then I should, it can't be healthily. 

Flash Back 

Me and Harry are on our first date, We are in London walking around at night eating ice cream. He interwines our figners. 

"I remeber when we first meant." He says 

I recall that night in Ireland at the beach party, we both go drunk and well.... how do I put it....... we fucked. 

"Me too." I answer 

"I don't usaul do that you know." He say looking at me his green eye serious. 

"Me either. I don't know what happened." i tell him 

"Me either but achcol does that to people." He says 

I squeeze his hand "It does." 

We finsh the ice cream and decide stop at a park and sit on the bench. He put his arm around me and we look at each other. 

Green orbits stare into my dark blue eyes. "When I frist say you with out the mask I swear my heart skipped a beat." 

I blush "You such a good liar." 

He smile letting that dimple pop out "I only speak the turth." 

"I say you and I freaked, I was like Holy Shit that Harry Styles I was jsut making out with." 

He laughs lightly "Well we did a lot more then make out." He winks 

I blush and roll my eyes. 

He leans in and get real close to my ear "I really enjoyed my self that night." 

Shivers run down my back.

End of Flash Back 

Think of it sent shiver down my back and it pops me out of my daze. I realize I'm just standing at my door with the key in my hand. I unlock it and walked to the freezer and took out the ice cream, sat on the couch and Jay happily joined me with his head in my lap. I pet him 

"Oh Jay what should I do?" I ask him, and yes I talk to my dog. 

He just give me a puppy face hoping to get ice cream. 

Harry P.O.V

I looking through my fridge seeing what there is to eat, then my mobile rings

"Hello?" I answer 

"Hey mate it's Zayn." 

"Oh hey Zayn what's up?" 

"Look we are going to surprise Monique and Niall and congrats on being pregnant party tomorrow at 7 be there." 

"Okay I will wouldn't miss it." 

"Great everyone going to be there." 

When he say every one I think of Cheyenne. 

"Hello Harry? Mate you there?" 

I zoned out "Oh yeah sorry 7 got it." 

"Great see ya then bye." 


I hang up and think she going to be there, It kill me when I see her on the T.V in a fashion show and don't get me started when I see her boxing it get me so nervous. I remember going to one of her fights, she won but I hated the bloody nose she got and the bruises on her ribs. 

Flash Back 

I walk back to her room with the ice bag. I see her sitting on the bed just in her bra and underwear. 

"You okay?" I ask handing her the ice 

She smiles and take the ice. " Yeah It only a couple of biruses and this can be covered up which means I can still model that dress tomorrow." 

She throws the bloody tissue now that her nose has stopped bleeding. I see the burise all over her rib. When she sits down I hold her in my arms. 

"I'm okay really, it nothing." She assures me. 

I guess she can tell I'm worried by my face. 

"Okay just i worry about you. It not easy seeing the person you love getting beat on my another person." 

She smiles and kisses me "It's okay I enjoy boxing." 

I smile and her and nuzzle her neck "As long as your happy."  

She laughs as nuzzle her neck 

End of Flash Back 

I miss being able to hold her, and be the reason she smiled, and nuzzle her neck, just to hear that laugh. I can't take it I need her in my life, it can be as a girl I love then hopefully friends. 

Adult Years (Harry Styles FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now