The Path to Icarus

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DISCLAIMER: Kolachi is not a real city. Names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved.

Hey, I like being frank so I'm gonna hurry this up, K? The name's Aaron Drake, I'm in 10th grade right now, and I'm 14. My birthday's coming up in October, actually. October 24th to be precise. I was born

in America and lived a pretty swell life until I was 6, when I moved to a different part of America. I went to a school called Foundations School for first grade. I don't remember much of that now, but I

remember it was fun. It was an okay-sized school, and my class had about 30 children it. I remember my best friends were these two kids called Zayn and Syed. I remember there were these other kids,

one had a really weird name with three X's. I remember there were these two cute girls who were twins, Eliza and Sarah, and Sarah's best friend was Perrie, but I never really talked to her. Eliza was in my

class, too, but with so many kids you don't really talk to everyone. I kinda liked that school, but again I don't remember it much. Sometimes I wish I could watch my life like a movie, that'd be nice. I

remember my cousin Sonia used to go there as well, one grade below me, we usually carpooled since she lived nearby.

In First grade I remember I met all of my dad's childhood friends' kids, who eventually became MY childhood friends. My dad's friend, James, had a kid named Roland, a really sporty fun kid who was

prone to breaking things. He played rough for sure. Then there was his quiet cousin Eli, who didn't show up much since he wasn't exactly part of the "group" but we all did know him and he was friendly.

Then there was Mary, Jackson's kid. She was a nice, cute little girl. And finally there was Anita, daughter of my dad's friend Omar. I missed them all when I left Kolachi.

After first grade I moved back to Houston. Yeah, my family moves a lot and it's weird. At age 7, I had lived in Houston, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Atlanta, the last two were quite brief however.

But most of my family is in Houston.

In second grade, I went to a school called Trint International School. I didn't make any notable friends there except for a kid called Abdullah, from some foreign Muslim country like Saudi Arabia I think.

My OTHER cousin used to go to Trint as well, we all call him Zim usually as a nickname, and we used to carpool too...I have a lot of cousins.

In grade 3, I switched schools yet again in Houston and went to a school called Honor Roll. It can be so hard to make friends. I'm mature enough now to safely say kids can be cruel. This new school,

Honor Roll, was bigger than Trint. There, I had two best friends: a Chinese kid called Kenneth and an Indian kid named Yash. In grade 4, Yash didn't like me anymore, Kenneth told me during lunch. Yash

wasn't there since he had band practice.

A couple weeks later the band practice ended, and Yash and I were able to talk again without interruptions. Kenneth told me he lied so he could spend more time with me. Yash kept wondering why I

was ignoring him. As a result I ended up ignoring Kenneth and started hanging out with Yash more, and his friends. Those two could never agree on anything anyway.

Yash thought Kenneth talked about school too much and that he was a nerd, but Kenneth thought Yash was too carefree and obsessed with Star Wars. I agreed with both of them a little, but didn't find

either of them too annoying. I hate it when two people you like don't like each other. In Grade 5, my parents took a vacation to Kolachi and we stayed with the other half of our family, which lived there.

This was during winter break.

At the end, my parents revealed that we're going to live in Kolachi. My brother Zen and I freaked out, we hated Kolachi at first. I moved back to Houston for the rest of Grade 5, then for the majority of

the first term of Grade 6, I was homeschooled. Then in November I started going to Arainea School.

This school, Arainea, was a school full of DEVIL WORSHIPPERS. The kids' parents instilled these demonic values into them and made them Satan-loving things. I hated that school with every fibre of my

bones. On February 4th, 2012, I switched to Icarus Academy, which will be the object of this story. Another person, Hiromi Rice, also went to Icarus Academy. I've met her and you can read her story titled

"Hiromi", by hiyaromi.

When I returned to Kolachi, I met all those childhood friends. Mary, Roland, Eli and Anita. Their siblings were grown up a little too now. Roland's little sister Reina, and Mary's brother Travis. My little

brother played with them. It was great to catch up with those four. Roland's other cousin, Lily, joined us. She doesn't often come, but she's a nice person. We watched a movie then went to a chinese


A few months later, we had started meeting up with them a lot, and it was great to see them. I loved my childhood friends, but then something happened. Anita's parents started gossiping and the others

started disliking them. No one wanted them in the group anymore, and as a result we had to part ways with Anita. That was one of the sadder parts of the group's misadventures.

In 2012, I had the best summer of my life. I went back to Houston, and it was mostly emotional value in the memories. Now then, Icarus Academy!

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