Class Party

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The Class Party was probably when I made one of the best decisions of the year.

As I've previously mentioned, my grade is stupid. My class, while some of them are really sweet and nice, can be really boring; except an awesome few I've been lucky to meet: Dana, Ariana, Selena, and more. You know who you are.

But then there are people who I absolutely DON'T want in my last day, like Jason. So I ditched my class and headed off to Maya's grade: With Maya, Rohana, Hiromi, Daniel, and all the others.

Remember when I said I wanted to talk to Salazar? I finally got the chance. I heard him talking about Pokemon to this kid Michael, and so I finally found something I had in common with him: Pokemon.

So I struck up a conversation with him about Pokemon.

For all 4 hours I talked to those 8th Graders, who were really good friends to me the whole time. I'm actually glad I left my class to talk to them. I had one of the best class parties out of my entire time in Icarus.

Before I continue with the story, let me explain a concept to you. It's called the "friend crush". Basically it's when you want to be someone's friend really bad for some reason. Maybe you'll think that you'll connect really well with this person. That's what I thought with Salazar, Rohana, and several other people actually. I don't know why it happens to me so much.

So Maya's best friend is Enchilada (yes that's her name), and I've never talked to her. Just saying. But she seems like a nice girl. And so does Maya's other friend Hamiya.

I promised all my friends in Icarus that I'd stay in touch with them.

"My time here in Icarus was a prosperous, great time for me where I met you all. I hope we can all stay in touch for a long time to come, since I'm really going to miss you all. Today was a big, emotional day for me since I know I'm never going to see some of you again. Of course I'm happy I'm leaving some of you, and we all know who those people are, but some of you I'm going to miss so much. Hopefully we'll be in touch, and this is not goodbye - Fate will have us cross paths again."

Alright, alright, I didn't say that.

But I totally should have.

Aaron Drake: Icarus AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now