People Who Need To Shut Up

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Hey, do you remember when I told you guys about that prestigious school Kolachi High School? Well, back in February I found out there was the final tryout for 10th Grade. I decided to try out. The interview was in March, and the test one week later. My interview went so great, that by the end the interviewer, the principal of the school, was giving me movie recommendations. My parents were so impressed, that my dad constantly told everyone who came to our house or that we met the whole interview story.

The test on the other hand was a different story. My English essay was amazing. Math went okay. In Spanish...I'm not even going to say anything. Science went pretty well too.

The result came out on late April, which caused a lot of suspense to build up. But I decided to enjoy my time in Icarus.

So Mason and I were pretty close at a time, mostly because he sat next to me, and there were certain things I was pissed about, and I may have vented to him.

The first instance was when Ms. Fatface was picking people for the Annual Icarus Spelling Bee. First of all, my spelling is flawless. My English in general is my best subject and as a language, very good.

And she didn't pick me. HOW COULD SHE DO THAT.

For the rest of the class, I was in a bad mood, because I wasn't picked. It wasn't fair, I should have at least been nominated. Towards the end, Ms. Fatface asked me why I was so off-color. I didn't say anything, pretending I didn't know what she was talking about. Mason being the smartass he is told Ms. Fatface: "He's upset because you didn't pick him for the Spelling Bee.", like WHO DOES THAT?! I vented that to him in CONFIDENCE. That was classified information!

The second instance was the gold star incident. So Ms. Fatface gives Gold Stars to children who do well in class or contribute to the class that day. I always have brilliant notes that no one else has, in fact, when I read them out, Ms. Fatface herself says "Aaron, your notes are brilliant!". And yet no Gold Star. So I told Mason that it bugged me, and in front of the entire class, once again, he told Ms. Fatface.

You know what Ms. Fatface said? "Okay Aaron, don't be upset, I'll give you FIVE Gold Stars!", she said jokingly. It was so embarrassing.

After that, I stopped talking to Mason about my problems. Dana and Ariana actually solved that problem for me. And I wasn't picked for the Spelling Bee because stupid faculty.

Aaron Drake: Icarus AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now