Prank War

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So, after the revelation, I decided to enjoy my final month-and-a-half in Icarus Academy. Along with several other events, Dana and Selena were having a Prank War. This, of course, was a great source of entertainment for Ariana and me. It started with Dana filling a balloon with baby powder and popping it over Selena's head, which was hilarious.

Selena retaliated by throwing water on Dana's face as soon as she walked into class. Dana mixed both pranks and mixed baby powder and water and made Selena slip on them. There were several other pranks they pulled, each topping the last...until Selena decided to pull a prank to end all pranks.

Of course she couldn't do the Mega-Ultra-Extreme Torture she planned, since we were in school, but she could go to a certain length. She wet Dana's hair completely, totally SOAKED IT, and then drowned her hair in powder. Yeah, a lot of water and powder involved. Mason and I actually had a water fight class.

Dana didn't react too well. She got super pissed, even though the Prank War was her idea. She's strange like that.

Aside from the Prank War, I wanted to cherish my last days of Icarus Academy. I hardly focused in class, mostly goofing off, since I knew I was switching schools anyway. No biggie.

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