8th Graders

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So, since my grade of 9th Graders is filled with lame, annoying and stupid idiots, I've been told for 2 years that the grade below us, at that time the 8th Graders, were all "lame". Shane said it most, and obviously everyone listened to Shane.

But after meeting Maya and talking to her a lot, I knew better than my stupid 9th Grade mouth-breathing fools told me. I asked Maya to introduce me to some of her 8th Grade friends.

I met her two best friends, Rohana and Tanya. It actually took me 4 days to remember Rohana's name, I don't know why. I don't know why I didn't talk to them before; They're some of the best people I've met.

I also started talking to Hiromi Rice more, and I found out she watches anime and we have a LOT of common interests!

So one day, I didn't want to go to Art class, so I asked if I could use the bathroom and then I went back to class. I saw Hanna there talking to some people I hadn't seen before. One of those people were Nora Fai, who at first seemed like a bitch to me, because I don't know why. I didn't really talk to her after I met her, since I don't like talking to "bitch" people, but that was a huge mistake.

You should never judge people based on what other people say, always find out for yourself what the truth is. You never know, you may just have the best experience of your life. After I talked to Hiromi, she introduced me to Nora Fai, and I had a genuine conversation. Of course, I never told her what I originally thought of her.

She's probably reading this right now, so SHOUTOUT TO NORA FAI! Nora Fai is Bae.

Nora in real life is actually really nice and sweet, but she can be really mean sometimes. She's more like that bitch that doesn't care, but deep, deep, deep down inside...she still doesn't care.

I wanted to talk to this other kid called Salazar, I did once but that was for something else. I never really got the chance to talk to Salazar.

So one day, Maya, Rohana, Tanya, Mason and I were talking during recess. Salazar was just a few feet away, and Maya made a remark about how Salazar's high pitched voice makes him sound like a girl, so Mason points to Salazar and says "BOOBLESS MAN", like what the actual fuck? Who says something retarded like that IN FRONT OF THE PERSON THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT?!

So later Salazar messaged me on Facebook asking about that, and I learned some funny things about Maya and Mason. So Mason and Salazar were in the school debate together, and Salazar thinks Mason is jealous of him since Salazar got Best Speaker instead of him, and I can vouch for that: Mason ranted about how Salazar didn't deserve that award.

I wasn't there, but if they gave Salazar Best Speaker there was probably a reason. Mason had a knack for pissing me off easily.

Aaron Drake: Icarus AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now