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Everyone wanted their own group on Facebook at the time. God, we were so immature. Almost everyone attention-seeking made their own groups. The most relevant group was Crack a Joke and Chill in 6th Grade, made by Martin, this kid in a different 6th Grade class. In 7th grade, we left that group and the new "relevant" group was made my the "popular guy" Shane, same one that bullied Chris. At this point Chris and I were pretty tight.

Who picks the popular kids anyway?! This guy abused his power as admin in the group. If anything he didn't like or against him came on the group then, he deleted it. Repeat "offenses" had him kicking that person out of the group. And not just that, all his friends were admins. Like, corruption much? We had so many groups. "Studious Students of Icarus Academy", "Icarus Academy Grade 7", "Class 7 Icarus", and "Class 7 Party Animals", the relevant one. Everyone thought that if you threaten people to kick them out of your group it would make a difference. As if.

I never caved into the hype, but people who were sick of Shane's attitude started using Class 7 Superstars, a different group made by Jason, a kid in the same section as Martin. The group stuff mostly affected kids from the other sections. My section, section A, was the least bothered about Facebook groups and any corruption that came along with it. You know that one kid in school who's quiet, and always does their work? And also tells on everyone for things like chewing gum in class? That was basically my whole class. Except for some exceptions likes Silica and Dana.

These groups caused so much drama that eventually they were nearly unusable. That was when Shane added Ms. Fauna onto the group. It was okay since Ms. Fauna was more like a friend with a superiority complex than a teacher anyway. Everyone stopped their asshattery and stupidity when she joined, but it did make things...interesting. There's this kid in Section C, George, who kept posting morbid pictures of slaughtered animals to freak out Ms. Fauna and entertain the rest of us. It worked, fortunately.

If you're being dramatic you could say I staged a coup d'etat, but what I did was much more tame than that. I merely told people that I was sick of Shane's crap and that we should make a new group, this group was Class 7 Superstars, and the admin was Jason, me and another girl named Miley. A lot of people used it, and Class 7 Party Animals became less popular until Jason decided to go and delete it for some reason. He's an idiot by the way.

He claimed people "tortured" him for it, which really meant mild teasing because of the name of the group, which was stupid because he could've changed the damn name. Well anyway, that was the end of my "coup" and we all just kept using Party Animals, which worked again since Shane was a little less egotistical and selfish.

...Just a little.

Aaron Drake: Icarus AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now