Aaron Talks About People He Hates

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Why do parents say money doesn't grow on trees? It obviously does. Money comes from paper, and paper is made from trees.

The title makes it pretty obvious. Let's start with Hanna.

She's such a bitch I have multiple stories about her. So Hanna's ALWAYS taking my food. Like, if I have 6 chicken nuggets she'll take 2. Just to be polite, I don't say anything. So once she was eating a samosa, which is some sort of Indian fried treat. So I took a bit, since she always does, and she THREW HER KETCHUP all over me. Like, what the actual fuck?! She's such a dick. Then she BLAMED ME. Then another time, I presented my Macbeth presentation as a metaphor of Macbeth's journey being like a tree, Hanna copied it completely.

And yet that fucking crapball has the audacity to call me and ask me for help in school. Ugh.

Now Mason.

This guy is a giant pervert with no respect for his friends or any women. He doesn't care about his image, and I know they say don't care what people think, but really, you should to an extent. But this guy doesn't at all. And not only is he a pervert, he's SUCH know-it-all. He acts like he knows everything, when really he doesn't know anything.

He tries to get involved in other people's problems, when he has no place in them. Dana and Selena fought, and Mason goes to Dana and starts yelling, "All her anger isn't about you! GET OVER YOURSELF!". He needs to get a clue, Dana was clearly just venting, and most of the problem with Selena WAS Dana, and vice versa. Then Mason goes to his "friends" who don't really like him, and then he argues their case. Like when Jason fought with Hanna, which happens on a weekly basis, Mason started yelling at Hanna.

I don't know why, maybe he just likes thinking he's helping his friends or something. Either way, it just makes the issue worse.

Now Jason.

He's one of those people who spends all his free time talking about sex, thinking about sex or watching porn. He has no life, and just tries to be a douche for no reason. I hate when people are like that, they just get a kick out of being assholes.

Now Shane.

He's an egotistical maniac. His ego is the size of a planet, just like his stomach. He thinks he's the coolest thing that ever existed. I'm not going to waste my time talking about him anymore.

All of these people can go to Hell for all I care.

Aaron Drake: Icarus AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now