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Three years later ~ Late Second Age - Greenwood the Great

I delicately slide my fingers through my still damp hair, parting it and twisting it so I can weave it into a long braid. A practical solution to keeping oneself preened and tidy looking when one has slept in and needs to get to a council meeting in a hurry. I absently sigh and tsk at my reflection in the mirror of the beautiful walnut vanity that was given to me as a wedding gift by Lord Galor and his lovely wife. Galor is prominent noble elf in the King's court, in charge of trade and what not, I suppose he will be at the council meeting today, giving out information about my over generosity in aid to the woods people. I am not saying he isn't a good soul; he just lacks compassion, especially if he feels we are being diddled out of fair trade. Still, I feel it is important for the Woodland elves to maintain aid to the lesser, more needy races, it keeps strong friendships and promotes good communication about what is going on in the wider world.

"Stop fussing, you are beautiful!"

I suppress a smile as my adoring and ever affectionate husband plants a kiss on my cheek in passing. I swivel in my seat to watch him glide smugly back to bed, stack of reports in one hand and an enticing cup of sweet tea in the other. Sometimes, I find it incredibly hard to believe we have been married for well over a year - maybe even more now that I think of it... it cannot be nearly two can it...three? I have given up keeping track. It is strange not celebrating birthdays or anniversaries, but elves just don't mark time the way humans do. Thranduil still finds it comical that I worry over time. I still find it fascinating and hard to wrap my head around the fact that time moves so differently, especially since nothing really changes. Everything sort of stays the same or just moves much more slowly... slower than I would have liked.

"You are frowning again melamin, is the council worrying you?" Thranduil interrupts my thoughts with a gentle smile, as he stretches out on the bed with a satisfied sigh. He has been out with the guard all of the night and most of the day before, technically this is only him getting home now. I nod a few times, it is better if he thinks that is all that is bothering me.

"I am sure it is nothing you cannot handle," Thranduil adds confidently as he flips through the papers in his lap, and sups contentedly on his warm drink. "Will I be seeing you this afternoon at the barracks then?"

"If I get a minute," I mumble and divert my gaze from the reflection of Thranduil eyeing me through the mirror. I smile sweetly for him and rearrange my features into a carefree mask because I don't want to bring the subject up again. With a sigh and shake of his head, Thranduil returns to musing over the reports in his hands, knowing exactly what I am not willing to talk about.

I guess we thought it would happen relatively soon, or maybe just I did? Maybe that is why I feel so disappointed and inadequate? I felt ready, I felt the desire settle in my heart for a little one, and I felt that same desire echo in Thranduil's. But try as we might, and we have tried, there has been no blessing of an elfling to our union. I didn't initially worry, I was too busy enjoying and exploring the new bond I had with my husband. Time flittered on though, and as our minds became occupied with running the Realm and teaching me how to become a Princess, I started to feel a pang of impatience.

Why hadn't I conceived yet? From talking to Ferel or other elleth, it became apparent that none of them had, had much trouble conceiving a little elfling. Yes, it may have taken a few months from when the desire first blossomed, but the blessing soon followed. Thranduil was always so expectant, waiting on the news that he would be a father again, he never doubted for a second it would happen and why should he? He never had any trouble with his first wife, in fact I soon learnt that not being able to beget a child is something unheard of for most elves. For elvish bodies do not work the way mortals' do, there are no child bearing years or cycles of fertility or body clocks that tick down to a day when it is no longer possible. Everything is brought into being by the fae of a bonded couple, they decide when they desire to have a family and this continues until they feel their family is complete. That is why hundreds of years can pass between the births of siblings, the elven spirit controls the wants and needs of the physical body, it is a fascinating mechanism. However, mine clearly doesn't work, if it did I would have been a mother by now!

To Live Again: The Road to War {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}|Where stories live. Discover now