16. The Distant Echo

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Luxurious, silver, silk blankets, curled around deep woolen green ones, and a pelt of opulent sheep skin, just for extra warmth, shields our sleeping daughter against the cold clear morning. The bright winter sun bathes the royal gardens in a spectacular regal light, making the crowd of gathered elves almost gleam when it hits them, like they all have halos. A broad smile stretches across my face, and I can't help the gleeful laughter when I hear those standing closest to us as we pass, gasp or whisper in awe. Her people have already fallen in love with her and she doesn't even have to acknowledge them, she is enchanting, or maybe I am just so enthralled by her, that I cannot see her any in any other light.

Celairiel is nestled securely in her Father's strong and more than capable arms, because this is proper. For today, being no more than one month old, she is being introduced to court to be given the King's blessing and his acknowledgment of her birth right as Princess. It's just a ceremony for show, there is of course no question over her legitimacy because she is Thranduil's daughter and she is from me - his wife. I know others outside of the realm of these people may see our marriage as unequal, not just because he was married before, but because my existence is questionable. I am a nobody who claims to be from another world, and was once mortal, it's scandalous really and not to mention entirely unbelievable. So, as much as I am unconcerned about what the world may think of me, they will not ever think those things of her, nor will they question my daughter's honour as a Sinda Princess, not so long as her Father and her Grandfather live.

We reach his Majesty as he awaits us at the great pavilion, a sort of temporary throne arrangement has been set up, quite similar to the day I celebrated the pregnancy here among the great gardens. It's hard to believe we would be standing here only a short month later, welcoming our little one to her world and her people. I still give thanks each and every day for her miraculous recovery and growth, because truly she has flourished, for she is strong and full of vitality, a blessing. Just in time to be received by her Grandfather, her bright eyes flutter open, then wince against the brightness, but she doesn't cry or fuss, she just yawns and wriggles to a more comfortable position within the mass of blankets.

"Ah, my beautiful Celairiel, come let me show you off," Oropher croons softly as Thranduil gives her over to his father; a little reluctantly, I hasten to add. She protests to this, and lets out a few whimpers of disapproval, making the whole court erupt into murmurs of 'awes,' and soft chuckling. Thranduil steps back and I slide my arm through his, he locks his gaze with mine and I am almost certain you couldn't find a happier couple than us right at this moment.

Oropher playfully tsk's at his fussing Granddaughter, and to further melt the hearts of everyone in attendance, he leans in and kisses her brow and half sings half whispers endearments to her. In a few short sentences, he proudly introduces her to the court and the people of the Greenwood as their Princess. This is followed by similar prayers and songs of blessing as were uttered at my coronation and I am not ashamed to say, that I cried tears of happiness at the love in the voices of our people. I don't doubt for a minute she will be revered and protected, she is a lucky girl and I will raise her to remember this.

As a final gesture, Oropher is to 'crown' the new little Princess, and so beckons for her 'crown' to be brought forward. To this I smile fondly and tilt my head over my shoulder to nod to Legolas, who stands glued to my side, holding the sleeve of my cream gown. He smiles proudly and nods once in return, I squeeze his hand and he quickly skips up the steps to his Grandfather's side, brandishing a very small garland of berries. Oropher kneels down so that Legolas is able to place the crown upon his sister's head, and just before he pulls away, he thinks better of it and returns to press a quick peck to her cheek. To this the crowds erupt into cheering and happy song, whilst Thranduil and I inconspicuously give our son a praising look, as he lops happily back to my side. Unfortunately, the commotion frightens my little light and she begins to cry is alarm. Oropher quickly hands her back to Thranduil, who instinctively returns her to me.

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